Jan 2011 06
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
- INTO: Magic, mythology, animal rights, stupid jokes, smart-asses, feminism, napping, creating trends, standing out, making statements, making a difference.
- NOT INTO: People not being honest, people who can’t drive – I mean seriously, get off the road.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Singing in a hot steamy shower, dancing in my birthday suit, bubbles.
- MAKES ME SAD: No hot water.
- HOBBIES: Playing poker, baking sweet goodies, painting, drawing, photography, being awesome – it’s a 24-7 job!
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Family and friends, laughter, sleep, my camera, Pepsi – and I’m adding on to the 5, sorry, deal with it. I also can’t live without my phone, fun road trips, art, music, and cup cakes baby!
- VICES: Being on the computer WAY TO MUCH, changing my look, dying my hair, lust, caffeine, gambling, spending money, waiting till the last minute to do things, being late, talking too much, guys who sing or play guitar.
Get to know Kraven better over at SuicideGirls.com!