Jan 2011 18
Tease of the Day2
Posted In Blog,Tease
Smurfasaur Suicide in Pink Nouveau
- INTO: ET, My Little Pony, toy collecting, comics, anime, cameras, photography, painting, raves, dancing, retardedly huge things and retardedly small things, Hello Kitty, drug references on little kids shirts, the beach, vintage things, vegans, extreme mods.
- NOT INTO: Attitude problems!
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Toys, raves, beaver lighters, music, Care Bears, comics, conventions, TV, getting tattooed.
- MAKES ME SAD: People who lack respect.
- HOBBIES: Everything. I’m a serial hobbiest/collector – no, really, it’s getting scary.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Sugarfree Red Bull, dancing, cigarettes, spell check my sketchbook.
- VICES: Sugarfree Red Bull.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Surfing the web, and working.
Get to know Smurfasaur better over at SuicideGirls.com!