Mar 2011 04
Tease of the Day1
Posted In Blog,Tease
Luffy Suicide in Lingerie Euphoria
- INTO: Neuroscience, Japan(ese), Sonic the Hedgehog, rain, the moon, anime, philosophy, volleyball, Fredriche Nietzsche, the brain, Sigmund Freud, genuine ideas, controversy, change, psychology, music of almost any sort, revolution, intelligence, sunsets, Harbourfront, corsets, the art of attraction, the little things, being myself (weird), acting, cheesecake, progress, bright colors, being me, a happy temporal lobe, existentialism, being alone, questioning the world, being philosophical, architecture, interior design, the home.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Music, chocolate, hugs and kisses, being expressive, learning something new, vibrant colors, using big words, lingerie, creativity, a good laugh, the little things, Havarti cheese, a highly stimulated temporal lobe, healthy neural connections, spring, love, being alone.
- VICES: Bright colors, beautiful eyes, hugs and kisses, sweet foods, food in general, being a potty mouth, people with original or enticing ideas, being naughty but nice at the same time, breaking rules.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Floating between objectivity and subjectivity.
Get to know Luffy better over at SuicideGirls.com!