Mar 2011 07

Lumi Suicide in I Am The Sun

  • INTO: Bizarre luxury, quality, snobby fops, juxtaposition, crystal laughter, the tinkling of beaded tulle, expensive (silver) tequila and other intoxicants, the very best food and desserts, decadence / hedonism, Versace bags, Hugh Laurie, tadpoles, linguistics, raw meat., roller coasters, mindbending, psychedelics, speeeeeed, Zen Buddhism, mania, military uniforms.
  • NOT INTO: Hairy peaches, poor writing, noisy children, cheap motels, humidity, too much testosterone, not getting my coffee served in the morning 😛
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Food, grandiosity, Hugh Laurie, lightning-fast-blink-of-an-eye, architecture, food, carnivorous plants, food, spiritually content peeps, nurturing friends, happy earth, food, Hugh Laurie, being pushed to the ends of earth, extremes, mania, mania, mania!
  • MAKES ME SAD: Suppressed nymphomania, hypocrites, unjustified hate, repression, miscommunication, litterbugs, no mania! :(.
  • HOBBIES: Styling photo shoots, painting, designing, partying, teatime, pretending to be a housewife, sleeping, cooking, twittering, buying interesting / unusual groceries.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Raw meat, 30’ screen, G5, camera, makeup.
  • VICES: $$$, hunting for blood, and more $$$.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Sleeping, reading, painting, clotheswhoring, screaming for hot sex, and overworking.

Get to know Lumi better over at!