May 2011 18
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
Tweedle Suicide in Wake ‘N’ Bake
- INTO: Oil paints, sex, kitty cats, sharing food with friends, cuddles, fresh ground coffee and fresh fruit smoothies, Disney, geeking out, unbearably hot summer days where your clothes stick to your skin, obsessing, tweezing my eyebrows, spicy food, learning, girls who love John Wayne, daydreaming, passion, snuggly warm blankets, giving, hugging trees, feeling everything to its fullest degree, living and loving life and those that are in it with me, and cuts, holes and ink in my skin.
- NOT INTO: Littering, factory farms and fast food chains, corporate America as a whole, fruit flies, ragweed and allergies, growing up, country music, big crowds, materialism, plastic shopping bags, when jelly gets in my peanut butter, bad drivers, meat, animal cruelty, being underestimated, being coddled and/or belittled, (most) television, modern civilization, pharmaceuticals, being told to “chill,” “calm down,” or “relax”, doing the dishes, snow, pregnancy, trying to walk in high heels, Shrek, big crowds, running out of toilet paper, celery, Denzel Washington, fainting, forgetting things, mornings.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Art, Smokey, loving, giving, pursuing my dreams.
- MAKES ME SAD: Animal cruelty of any sort.
- HOBBIES: Painting, drawing, cooking/uncooking, running, playing with animals!
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Food, water, a dwelling, my health (both mental and physical), self-love.
- VICES: Having my skin stabbed, cut, bitten, burned, etc.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Lost in my own head.
Get to know Tweedle better over at SuicideGirls.com!