Aug 2011 04
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
- INTO: Cheesy horror films (mostly pre-1993 or so), metal (all kinds really), concert, video games, cooking, photography, vinyl, tapes, piercings, nature, Halloween, the ‘80s, pumpkins, sewing, being eccentric, glasses, fantasy books, non-fiction, documentaries, thrifting, road biking, and beer.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Video games, music, my two cats (Frankenstein and Thor), being outside, running, Netflix, books, beer.
- MAKES ME SAD: Being judged, abuse, no beer.
- HOBBIES: Gaming, cooking, reading, thrifting, running, biking, Halloween stockpiling, sewing, reading, drinking beer.
- VICES: Booze, video games, Taco Bell, cake.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Sewing, making clothes, doing homework, on the internet, reading (if anyone has some good non-fiction suggestions – let me know!).
Get to know Xenah better over at SuicideGirls.com!