Oct 2011 21
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
Jamity Suicide in Dark Passenger
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My boyfriend, romantic stuff, love letters, a romantic dinner somewhere, candles, swimming at night, flowers, pillow fights, biting, kisses on the roof, rain, foamy baths, massages, unexpected tenderness, drawing, watching movies, beautiful clothes, sunsets on a rooftop, summer nights, chocolate, sunshine, sea, beaches, girls!
- MAKES ME SAD: Being sick, racism, monthlies, lost friends, fighting with my parents, wasting time, killing animals.
- HOBBIES: Dancing, burlesque, watching movies, cooking something horrible, missing someone, painting walls, riding my bicycle, giving hugs.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Secrets, books, music, love, and hate!
Get to know Jamity better over at SuicideGirls.com!