Oct 2011 26
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
Aisline Suicide in Four Letter Word
- INTO: Girls, movies, night time, awkwardness, saying inappropriate things, the beach, sunsets and sunrises, dancing, dancing around in my underwear, laughing at my own jokes, being the only one laughing at my own jokes, boobs, ruining everything I try to cook and making people pretend they enjoyed eating it, heavily tattooed girls and boys.
- NOT INTO: Big crowds, people I don’t know touching me, mirrors, drugs, being cold.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Warm weather, music, driving around aimlessly, late nights, early mornings.
- MAKES ME SAD: People with no morals, people with no common sense, people who can’t act in public, disrespect, greed, poverty and John Mayer.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: IPod, Blackberry, laptop, a steady internet connection, and my family/cats.
- VICES: Sour candies.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Trying to take over the world.
Get to know Aisline better over at SuicideGirls.com!