Dec 2011 19
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
Kyoko Suicide in Icelandic Blue
- INTO: Stretching, sensuality, tattoos, piercings, singing, nail polish, playing bass and attempting to play the guitar and drums! HAH! Dressing up, Japanese stuff, pizza.
- NOT INTO: Doing dishes, ‘80s music.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Sunshine, old friends, my family, happy tunes, dancing and letting my self loose, cuddling with my cats, getting closer to my goals and dreams, big or small.
- MAKES ME SAD: Long dark winters, working too much,
- HOBBIES: Pole dancing!
- VICES: Staying up too late, junk food, too much internet time, doing things last minute – usually because I spent to much time doing useless stuff on the internet.
Get to know Kyoko better over at SuicideGirls.com!