Mar 2012 27

Leon Suicide in High Jinx

  • INTO: Music, psychology, sun, laughing (especially for no reason), having weird jokes that only you and your best friends understand, and the obvious: piercings, tattoos, and techno festivals.
  • NOT INTO: Arrogance.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Good music, good parties, sunsets, rainbows, piercings, psychology, and one day festivals.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Petty drama, bad weather, and heartbreak.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Music, my decks, my vinyl, my toothbrush, my laptop.
  • VICES: I’d like to think I’ve got none, so it’s up to you to find them šŸ˜‰

Get to know Leon better over at!