Apr 2012 25
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
Waikiki Suicide in Walk On The Wild Side
- INTO: Photography, art, music, traveling, pole dancing, squatting empty buildings, and laughing ‘til I cry.
- NOT INTO: Being steasdy in a place, city or country.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Martinis, parties, traveling, open-minded folk, sun, the beach, dogs and warm people – I need ’em in my life!
- MAKES ME SAD: Empty conversations, wannabe-nevergonnabe people, noisy people, respectless mothafuckers, vivisection, civil war, poverty, the zoo, losing people I love!
- HOBBIES: Rehab.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My camera, my vynals, cigarettes, coffee, a bottle of water.
- VICES: Listening to loud music when I’ve just awoken, never being on time to appointments.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: At concerts, and around my friends with a Corona in my hand.
Get to know Waikiki better over at SuicideGirls.com!