Jun 2012 21
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
- INTO: Music is my life. I love playing it, listening to it, reading about it, and just reading in general. There’s nothing like a lovely, well-written novel to catapult yourself into a world of fantasy and get lost in your imagination for hours on end. Charity also; I love giving back, I love helping people. I try to do as much charity work as I can as often as I can manage. “Charity is the rent we pay for living.” Body modification; I believe that the body is canvas, and as we decorate it, we paint the story of who we are. What we stand for. What we love. What we’ve been through. You can’t judge a book my its cover. But you can learn a lot about what’s inside if it’s modified.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: I enjoy the simple things in life. The small things we often take for granted. Watching the sunrise, hearing the birds chirp, the floral scent in the early morning breeze. Every moment is precious.
- MAKES ME SAD: The suffering humans can inflict on our fellow brothers and sisters. The disregard we can have for our environment. And people who take life’s blessings for granted.
- HOBBIES: Writing, poetry, short-stories, anything really. Just a great creative outlet. Reading, novels, biographies, magazines. I love soaking up new information. Music. Playing, performing or just enjoying a good listen.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Books, movies, music, McDonalds and my loved ones.
- VICES: Writing is my main emotional outlet.. And, of course, body mods.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Exploring the world around me. There’s so much to see, so much to experience, so much to learn…
Get to know Jeckyl better over at SuicideGirls.com!