Aug 2012 24
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
Dwam Suicide in Midsummer Crown
- INTO: Art, food, and art.
- NOT INTO: Being serious.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Books, late night funny conversations, pictures, mountains, music, movies, lonely train rides, foreign languages, poetry, smoothies, puns and innuendos, hikes in the forest, freckles, books, pancakes, drinking tea with friends, cakes, sleeping over, massages, cooking for pretty girls, pretty girls cooking for me, sticking wild street art at night, books, comics, film soundtracks, 3-people baths, sending gift parcels, chocolate, did I already say books?
- MAKES ME SAD: Exhaustion.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: A book, a computer, a sketchbook, a brush, an inhaler.
- VICES: I bite my nails to bleed and constantly oogle on pretty girls.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: On the internet, jumping from one idea to a Wikipedia reference to a biography to book lists to another idea to another Wiki search to a new artist portfolio and so on..
Get to know Dwam better over at SuicideGirls.com!