Aug 2012 31
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
Marlene Suicide in In The Cold Light Of Morning
- INTO: Kissing, reading (especially Russian literature), the Russia of the XIX century, Russian folklore and legends, learning new things, discovering new places, studying, drawing, painting, cooking, watching silly movies, cuddling my lovely dog, having a long good dinner with my piñata crew, drinking tea and bitching with my ladies, walking on the beach and watching the fight between waves and wind, writing letters to my dear penpals, playing videogames, dinosaurs, robots, meeting new friends, eating sweets all day long, wearing gorgeous lace lingerie under my ugly pajama and KILLING THE FUCKING ZOMBIES!!
- NOT INTO: Drugs and violence.
Get to know Marlene better over at SuicideGirls.com!