Sep 2012 12
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
Callioppe Suicide in Hypnagogia
- INTO: Purity, constellations, the tide, the medicinal values of herbs, divinations, tea readings, wild flowers, nutritional superiority, multiple orgasms, and YOU!
- NOT INTO: Vanity, arrogance, lies, apathy, junk food.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: The smell of new books, the change of the seasons, sunrises when most of the city is asleep, hot chai tea on cold days, cold chai tea on hot days, arthropods, cephalopods, epiphanies, feeling a connection with other human creatures, tender moments that make my eyes swell with water, quiet mornings, noisy nights, interpretive dance with the boyfriend when no one is looking, silliness, inside jokes, self reflection, self esteem, self worth, cosmic design, morning sex, electrodes, diodes, and potentiometers, paper mache, fruit trees, semantics, tenderness, truthfulness, connectedness, understanding, flora and fauna.
- MAKES ME SAD: Slaughter houses, dairy farms, veal boxes, battery cages, and cattle prods.
- HOBBIES: Cooking, crafting, creating.
- VICES: I keep my nails short so I can dig into life.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: In the produce section of your local grocery store.
Get to know Callioppe better over at SuicideGirls.com!