Sep 2012 28
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
- INTO: My bike, pie, fermentation, tattoos, sleeping with the windows open, pampering myself, selling panties, gardening, books, dancing, sourdough bread, clean rooms, getting lost, finding my way, making things, eating things, going places.
- NOT INTO: Poor lighting, drugs, animal abuse, drugs, elitist attitudes, taking the easy way out.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Rain, autumn, pain, gardens, dogs, cats, traveling the world, good coffee, calling home, tea, watching things grow.
- MAKES ME SAD: Poor communication, citrus, animals peeing on my stuff, itchy tattoos, bad coffee, tourists.
- HOBBIES: Wandering the planet, books, gardens, bikes, selling panties.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Things do not define me and therefore I can live without them. I just wont like it much.
- VICES: Candy, food, travel, books, coffee, kissing.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Trying to figure out where the hell I am, wondering what I’m doing with my life, making plans and wasting time.
Get to know July better over at SuicideGirls.com!