Oct 2012 17

Brewin Suicide in Giverny

  • INTO: Happiness, booze, weed, leather, faux fur, fixies, sushi, documentaries, cats, bars, trips without plans, boots, socks, love.
  • NOT INTO: Lollipop shaped dicks.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Positivity, sunshine, bodies of salt water, beaches, windows down a/c off, night rides, thrift store finds.
  • MAKES ME SAD: The cold, leaving good things behind, buying something broken.
  • HOBBIES: Drawing, painting, drinking, riding, hanging around with my favorite people.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Caffeine, iPhone, good vibes, spell check/autocorrect, Hello Kitty.
  • VICES: Taking pictures of roadkill.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Making and spending.

Get to know Brewin better over at!