Sep 2010 20
The Benefits of Gaming0
Posted In Blog,Gaming
by AJ Focht
The military uses virtual simulations to help train their soldiers but are you getting similar training when you ‘pwn noobz’ from home? Well maybe not the exact same training but there are many benefits you might not know about (especially since the mainstream media has such a low opinion of gamers and gaming they’re unlikely to highlight them). How can playing an hour of video games each day help your development? Gaming friends, please read on:
- 1. It is common knowledge that video games improve hand-eye coordination but how much of an improvement does it make? One study suggests that playing video games increases hand-eye coordination even more than sports. Increased hand-eye coordination allows for quicker response times and more accurate movements. In another study surgeons who played video games for at least three hours a week performed 27 percent faster and made 37 percent fewer mistakes.
- 2. A recent study, conducted at the University of Rochester, shows that first person shooter (FPS) players have faster reaction times. Engaging in FPS games can help increase reaction times by up to 25 percent and keep you just as accurate as you were before.
- 3. Strategy games are a great means of improving multitasking, math skills, and micromanagement. Playing a match of StarCraft or Age of Empires can help you do basic math functions quicker (macro) and improves your ability to multitask (micro). Real time strategy (RTS) games force the player to both manage and stimulate their economy while they play offense/defense with units. The macro and micro management skills gained playing RTS games can translate directly into real life situations.
- 4. Reading, writing, and arithmetic. Many video games help build on the ‘Three R’s’. As the player follows characters in video games they are often required to read conversations and respond to them. Most games also include some type of currency system. While the math and reading might seem minimal it can be a great step for children who struggle with either topic. They become immersed in the game and the academic tasks they perform doesn’t come off as work. Many educators are considering the use of video games as a teaching aid.
- 5. Increased confidence and self-esteem may not seem as important as the other areas, but video games also fill a crucial role of helping increase these. Completing missions in a game, and reaching goals or earning achievements, helps to increase the players self-esteem. Each goal completed or trophy earned gives the player something to hold on to and makes them feel better about themselves. While this might not be as noticeable of a trait, it has shown to be a great re-enforcement tool for children, especially those suffering from social learning disabilities.
That’s right playing an hour of video games each day can help you improve in one or all of the above areas. What game are you going to play today?