The Demise of Cable3
Posted In Blog
by A.J. Focht
As the New Year begins, a lot of people are looking for ways to cut their spending. If you’re one of these people, you might want to start by scrapping your cable bill. Having any kind of network programming bill (cable, satellite, etc.) is becoming unnecessary. Even in those awesome ‘bundle’ packs you are paying significantly more than you have to, since most of the content included by the cable and satellite companies is now being offered by internet streaming services.
Netflix has cornered the streaming market in recent times. In addition to their streaming online, which can be viewed via computer, Xbox 360, or Nintendo Wii, they are going to be getting a button on your remote in the near future. The company offers streaming options on a large selection of movies and television shows, and is currently in negotiations in an effort to offer subscribers more current series content.
And if your fave show doesn’t end up on Netflix, it’s likely on Hulu. Hulu offers many of its programs free online – but only for the last five episodes. An $8 upgrade allows the user to access all episodes. Hulu Plus also allows streaming through the PS3 and several other devices.
[Kaelyn in Good Fortune]
Getting down to the math, a Netflix streaming-only plan costs $7.99 a month and Hulu Plus also comes in at $7.99. The current lowest price for Direct TV and Comcast is $29.99 – and that’s before you add premium channels. These rates are also the special introductory deals that only last a year or so. The additional bundled services aren’t cheap either. The lowest internet special with both companies is $19.99, which means the combined $16 from Hulu Plus and Netflix plus a $19.99 internet connection is still cheaper than any internet / cable bundle.
Aside from the price, there are several other advantages in kicking your cable company to the curb. Both Hulu Plus and Netflix allow every episode of the season to be viewed at the viewer’s discretion. You don’t have to make sure you are free when the new episode of Glee is on for example. Instead, you can watch all the shows you love any time from the point they are released onwards. Also the time spent listening to advertisements is greatly decreased.
Now for a lot of you, I am probably preaching to the converted. Most all of us know how to find these shows for free online. To those who prefer that method, I blame the loss of the next Firefly on you. However Hulu, Netflix, and any other legit streaming service are counted when it comes to viewing audience figures. This means when you watch your fave cult show on Hulu, the TV companies know and are less likely to cancel because no one is watching.
You may have other reasons for keeping your cable but I ran out of them myself. With only a Netflix subscription, and being content to watch Hulu based shows as they are released, I have managed to cover all my cable viewing needs. There is the occasional downside, like only the first episode of The Walking Dead making it on Hulu, but for the most part viewing TV in this way ended up being not only a better deal, but a better experience too.
The reality is that cable is becoming as unnecessary as a home phone. An high speed internet connection is now the key to having access to unlimited television series and movie options. With the help of any current gaming console, most Blu-ray players, or an internet TV, all of this content can be viewed right on your TV as always. Attempts by cable to keep up, like Xfinity, just aren’t enough to make up for their high prices and viewing restrictions.