by Nixon
It’s been a while since I posted a Tin Foil Hat Report, but this is a good one. It comes right in the middle of my reading UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record, which Fractal Suicide kindly sent me the other week. Hence I’m primed and ready with my tin foil hat – especially in light of the slew of recently reported alien-related developments.
First up, it seems that Aliens are fucking with our nukes! On Monday, Sept 27th, a special panel moderated by Ufologist Robert Hastings (author of UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites) was held for the benefit of press and members of Congress at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.
According to a press release promoting the event, the panel featured one current and six former U.S. Air Force officers who were “involved in UFO incidents at nuclear missile sites near Malmstrom, F.E. Warren, and Walker AFBs, as well as the nuclear weapons depot at RAF Bentwaters.” Additionally, Hastings revealed that a total of 120 former or retired military personnel have gone on record stating that UFOs are compromising our nuclear facilities (although, it seems, rather than being in preparation for an invasion, the alien tampering might be a polite bid to keep us from blowing ourselves to smithereens).
In some cases, several nuclear missiles simultaneously and inexplicably malfunctioned while a disc-shaped object silently hovered nearby.
This is certainly not the first time that US military personnel have come forward to attempt to break the taboo surrounding the serious discusion of UFOs. We will see if the press continues to studiously ignore the mounting evidence, as they did with the release of the COMEDA report.
Considering everything I’ve read on the subject, it actually doesn’t seem very alarming, although the US might finally have to follow in the footsteps of a number of other countries, most notably France and Great Britain, and admit that yes, Virginia, there are flying saucers. In all the case files I’ve read, a UFO has never fired on a civilian or military craft even when fired upon.
So, buck up, little earthlings. Maybe they’re on our side after all.
For any of you who would like to see the actual National Press Club event, CNN provided live coverage, which is available on YouTube:
In the days surrounding the National Press Club disclosures, a flurry of rumors hit the web suggesting that the UN was on the verge of naming Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan Othman as the United Nation’s space ambassador for extraterrestrial contact and director of the UN’s Office for Outer Space Affairs. Sadly, this came as news to Othman herself, and seems to be a case of internet science fiction. I can find no mention of the ambassadorship after BoingBoing debunked the rumor.
And that would seem to be that. A few ripples in the media, a few internet rumors, but no sea change in the way that UFO reports are viewed or handled here in the US.
UFOs, however, don’t seem to care one way or the other. In China, where eight major UFO sightings since June have caused a stir, Baotou airport was forced to shut down for several hours on October 5th due to a UFO hovering above the airport. Several good quality photos and videos have been released of the Chinese UFO, which looks distinctly like a flying saucer. This comes after a July flyover of Xiaoshan airport, which caused a similar shutdown, though this event was eventually blamed on a secret military test flight.
Meanwhile, back on home soil, a daytime sighting in New York caused a bit of a stir on October 13th. While the FAA denied that flight delays were related to the shiny object in the sky, usually unflappable New Yorkers gathered to snap pictures and video as the object hovered above the intersection of 23rd St. and Eighth Ave.
Fact or fiction, collective hallucination or government conspiracy, I suspect that the end of the UFO mystery is fast approaching. With a decent camera and video recorder in almost every pocket at all times, and the ability for individuals to disseminate information worldwide almost instantly, the evidence should eventually reach a critical mass one way or the other. There is even a free iPhone app to track and report sightings worldwide in realtime.
Not much longer now, my tinfoil hat compadres. Not much longer at all.
Further reading: UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record by Leslie Kean.