We’re Going to Talk About It, But You Will Blow Me First0
Posted In Blog,Entertainment,Music,Relationships
I think we’re in need of an entertainment round-up, don’t you?
It was the phone call heard ‘round the interwebs. It’s pretty unanimous that Mel Gibson has stolen the Cray-Cray Award from BritBrit and Tom Cruise. Melly-boy here certainly has given enough material to fuel the interwebs.
Elsewhere in the music industry, Eminem’s latest single with Rihanna, Love the Way You Lie, is dominating the music charts.
You ever love somebody so much.
You can barely breathe when you’re with ‘em.
Now you’re getting fucking sick of looking at ‘em.
You swore you’ve never hit ‘em.
Never do nothing to hurt ‘em. Now you’re in each other’s face.
Spewing venom in your words when you spit ‘em.
You push, pull each other’s hair.
Scratch, claw, bit ‘em.
Throw ‘em down, pin ‘em.
And it has been reported that Rihanna is in contact with her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown.
However, what devastatingly goes unacknowledged in the news is the estimated 1.3 million females who are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year.
We can laugh and joke about how bananas Mel Gibson has gone. And we can jam in the car and forget about Em’s silly past. And we can just shake our heads at Rihanna’s choice to keep in contact with Chris “Beat Her Down” Brown. But we should not keep those who aren’t fortunate (unfortunate) to have the media watch us like a meal ticket completely in their grasp in the dark.
What these entertainment news blips demonstrate is that domestic abuse does happen, and those in the media can’t hide from it as well.
Educate yourself with the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, but you will blow me first.