We Might Be Aliens1
Posted In Blog,Geek,Science
by Damon Martin
Recent discoveries by scientists studying meteorites may very well prove everyone on Earth evolved from alien life forms.
Technically, extraterrestrial building blocks to be exact.
Several scientists studying meteorite fragments have discovered they contain the building blocks of DNA, strengthening previous theories that life on Earth may have been spawned from materials landing here from space. According to findings by scientists, meteorites that have landed on Earth contain all the necessary elements to create DNA.
While studies in the past have shown meteorites that carried nucleobases, key ingredients in DNA, it’s been difficult to prove whether the material actually came from space or was a bi-product of the area where the meteorite landed on Earth.
Scientists working on 12 different samples of meteorites found amino acids, an essential component of DNA, but had to study and conduct experiments to prove that these particular amino acids were formed in space and not on Earth.
Amino acid molecules can be built in two ways that are mirror images of each other, like your hands. Life on Earth uses left-handed amino acids, and they are never mixed with right-handed ones, but the amino acids found in the meteorite had equal amounts of the left and right-handed varieties.
These particular studies were done on a meteorite found in the Sudan, which was created after two asteroids collided in space. Normally a high impact collision like the one that created this particular meteorite would have created temperatures too high for any amino acids to survive, but the studies done on these particular samples prove otherwise.
Essentially because amino acids did survive on these particular meteorite samples, it gives credence to the idea that life may exist on other planets or that life on Earth itself resulted from this type of occurrence happening millions of years ago.
Scientists are now studying the idea that amino acids could be created in space by gas reactions at much hotter temperatures instead of in cooler atmospheric climates, with water being essential to the process. Experiments are ongoing to try and recreate the same scenario on Earth.
While these theories are exactly that –– theories –– scientists are working on trying to prove the building blocks of life could have been created and formed in a very different way than previously believed, and that life on Earth could have been alien all along.
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