by Alana Joy
If you live in Los Angeles, you can win FREE VIP ENTRY to our lingerie fashion show, ‘Ink ‘n’ Undies’, benefiting UnderShare: and all you have to do is help us get the word out about the event!
UnderShare is a volunteer based charity dedicated to providing new undergarments and toiletries to Los Angeles shelters that assist the homeless, and women and children escaping domestic violence situations.
The grand prize includes not only VIP admission for two, but a VIP gift bag, and possibly even pictures with the Suicide Girls on the step and repeat… and a years membership to SuicideGirls.com!
To enter and qualify to win:
✔ Follow @suicidegirls & @undershareinc on Twitter to show your love.
✔ Tweet out this post with the hashtag #inkNundies (so we can find your tweets) by using the tweet button in the Sharing is Sexy box below.
✔ You can enter as many times as you’d like, simply by sending out as many of the tweets as you care to. 🙂
✔ You must be 21+ to attend.
➜ You can also find details on how enter on Facebook, MySpace, and Tumblr if you follow us there.
On Wednesday August 11th we will announce the winners!
Though there is only ONE pair of VIP tickets up for grabs, we wanted to make sure we thanked you guys for helping us spread the word for a good cause! So we’re going to pick FOUR winners total:
The Prizes:
• Grand Prize: VIP package to event + one year membership
• First Runner Up: one year membership
• Second Runner Up: 6 months membership
• Third Runner Up: 3 months membership
The winners will be selected randomly, one each from Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace: so everyone has a fair shot!
Good luck you guys, and thanks a lot! We hope to see all of you there to help us party in our panties for a good cause!