What You Want Is NOT What You Think!6
Posted In Blog,Society
by Nahp Suicide
Have you ever wondered why you feel attracted to some things, products or people? There is a famous quote by Leonardo da Vinci: “Nothing fools us more than our own judgement”. Can this be true? Let’s see…
If McDonald’s were to ask customers what they prefer to eat, maybe they’ll say salad or healthy food; that was what this fast food restaurant did here in Colombia, and after those kind of answers they introduced a new line of healthy and delicious salads. Meanwhile Burger King makes a new Whopper with extra cheese and extra bacon and guess what… McDonalds decreased its sales 30% after asking customers directly and Burger King doubled its sales… proving people really don’t know what they want, and is proven by studies that most of our decisions are taken not by reason but by two parts of our brains (emotional and “animal” sides).
The human Brain is divided in 3 parts:
- 1. it’s named “Cortex Brain”, it refers to the functional, logical and analytical and it is what makes you give answers as an example of the salad.
- 2. it’s named “Limbic Brain”, and some people says this is the women’s brain because it refers to the emotional and sensations. When you take decisions based on your heart, you are really using this part of your brain.
- 3. “Reptilian Brain”, Man’s brain and it refers to survival, reproduction, domination, defend and protect, that’s why we believe guys are thinking about sex all the time, they are just using this part of his brain!… did you remember Zinedine Zidane and the last game on the final World’s Cup before his retire?? he just gave a headbutt to Materazzi, because he said some very harsh words against his family and at that moment Zidane used his “Reptilian Brain” protecting his family, maybe if he had used his “Cortex Brain” using the reason and thinking about final game, he shouldn’t have done.
All our decisions are based on symbol codes and we use some parts of the brain depending on the situation, so next time you see ads think about it, because brands are taking advantage of your subconscious to reach those parts of your brain that make you choose and buy them!!