“I prefer to think of myself as an Oki Dog wrapped in pastrami wrapped in a tortilla.”
– Xeni Jardin
Xeni Jardin is a journalist, a blogger, and a TV pundit. As a co-editor of BoingBoing, one of the most popular blogs on the Web, Jardin serves as an Internet-based coolhunter for the futuristic, or, as Defamer puts it, a “sexpot Wired reporter sent from 15 minutes in the future to send back information about our inferior technology to some alien race.” In addition to writing for Wired, Jardin files reports on subjects ranging from robot battles to zero gravity flight for NPR’s “Xeni Tech” and opines regularly on the latest high tech gadgetry for CNN and Fox News. Part Fritz Lang’s Maria in “Metropolis,” part Marilyn Monroe on a cellphone, in Jardin, as the LA Times advises, we may behold the wizard of blogs.
Read our exclusive interview with Xeni Jardin on SuicideGirls.com.