Aug 2010 30

by Andrew E. Konietzky

Superhero films, books, and games will exist until the end of time. With that thought you should settle down, and watch the 2007 documentary called “Confessions of a Superhero”. This film chronicles the lives of three mortal men and one mortal woman who make their living working as superhero characters on Hollywood Boulevard.

Superman (Chris Dennis) is a Los Angeles orphan, but claims to be the son of Oscar/Tony-winning actress Sandy Dennis, though the family denies that she had any children. Wonder Woman (Jennifer Wenger) was a Midwestern homecoming queen, who actually is the most successful of the actors. The Hulk (Joe McQueen) sold his Super Nintendo for a bus ticket to Los Angeles during the Rodney King riots and was homeless for four years before becoming the Hulk, and achieves some success, winning a small role in Justin Lin’s “Finishing the Game.” Batman (Maxwell Allen) claims to be a former mobster with a murderous past, though his wife casts doubts on his stories in the film. This deeply personal view into their daily routines reveals their hardships and triumphs as they pursue and achieve their own kind of fame.


Aug 2010 17

by Andrew E. Konietzky

Prince of Persia is a great popcorn film if not taken too seriously. Based on the video game, the film does a pretty job of bringing the world of the game to life.

Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal), the adopted son of the King of Persia and thus a rogue prince battles it out with pretty much everyone in Persia to save the Time Dagger and his lost honor. Giving the prince an attractive companion is Princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton) who knows a lot more about the mystical time powers of the dagger and how it has to be guarded for the safety of the universe.


Aug 2010 13

by Damon Martin

“Why do you think nobody’s ever tried to be a superhero before?”

“I dunno. Because it’s impossible.”

Thus the saga of Kick-Ass begins. When social misfit Dave Lizewski sits with his friends one day and ponders why there are no real life superheroes, he decides to take it upon himself to be the first real life vigilante. Ordering a wet suit from eBay, taping up some pipes, and donning a mask and soon Dave is on his way to fame as a superhero.


Aug 2010 11

by Pandie Suicide

Getting signed is at the top of a lot of bands to-do lists. It marks the pinnacle of their careers, a sign that you’re really ‘making it.’ But with things the way that they are in this digital age, the whole industry structure of record labels, who historically found bands and other artists, signed them for a (sometimes) nice advance, then released, promoted, and distributed the album (or at least oversaw all of this happening)… has changed.


Aug 2010 11

By Nicole Powers

You may not recognize his name, but as the man who figured out how to make online adult entertainment pay, Chris Mallick has had a profound effect on our world. “Third-party billing” is not exactly a sexy phrase, but the concept Mallick masterminded revolutionized the way the invisible masses achieved satisfaction, and gave e-commerce its kick-start.


Aug 2010 10

by Andrew E. Konietzky

* This review is for the ORIGINAL version and not the ‘Merican version.

Tomas Alfredson’s film has been marketed over here as a pretty standard horror film, but I wouldn’t classify it as horror. There are horrific elements of course, but the film is more than that. It is a coming-of-age film and a love story. It is also a film about loneliness, resilience, and the pain of being a kid.


Aug 2010 03

by Andrew E. Konietzky

What happened to the days of great summer films? Where have they gone, and when can we get them back? The film Predators, tries to give us a brief glimpse back to days of summer blockbusters. Too bad it is a fuzzy and empty look back. [..]