by Erin Broadley
“I had nearly both of my feet in the grave.”
– Ville Valo
For Ville Valo, life as a musician is very surreal, or very “Dali-esque” as he might say, and he’s not referring to the painter’s infamous mustache. In some ways Valo is still waiting for the day when he wakes up and finds out it’s all been a giant LSD experiment in the Finnish military, where institutional illusions of grandeur and dreamlike oddities smash artistic ambition through the looking glass of fame, personal casualties be damned. “Its like ‘Alice in Wonderland’,” he says. “Because there are so many unexpected things happening all the time…surrealism actually exists in your everyday life…youre there ‘in the looking glass’ so to speak.”
Nikoll Suicide in Unbridled

- INTO: Stopping time and stealing memories.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Boobs, painting, kittens, good food, stargazing, and dancing in the rain.
- MAKES ME SAD: My horrible spelling, pills, lies, bright lights, and sleeping alone.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Music, my camera, food, sex, and sleep.
- VICES: Boobs.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Sleeping, watching cartoons, playing video games.
Get to know Nikoll better over at!
by Blogbot
Last Wednesday, SuicideGirls hit the black carpet for Revolver Magazine’s third annual Golden Gods awards bash, which was held at the Nokia Theatre in DTLA. Amongst the honorees at the event, which celebrates all things hard ‘n’ heavy, were Mötley Crüe, who received The Ronnie James Dio Lifetime Achievement Award.
The bad boy rockers are embarking on a major tour this summer, and were scheduled to start rehearsals the next day. To keep things fresh, the band have asked their followers to help pick their set list. Fans are asked to go online and pick15 songs that they wanna hear live from a total of 89 listed titles.
We caught up with Crüe frontman Vince Neil, who won our award for Best Dressed Man of the Night, to find out how the survey is working out.
by Nicole Powers
“It’s likely that zombies don’t eat brains.”
– Matt Mogk of the Zombie Research Society
May is Zombie Awareness Month. To mark it, and help you, dear reader, prepare for what many think is an inevitable and impending invasion, we organized a round table discussion (by phone) with one of the world’s leading zombie experts, Matt Mogk, the Founder & Head Researcher of the Zombie Research Society, and one of the world’s leading zombie enthusiasts, Scott Ian, of the heavy metal band Anthrax and the supergroup The Damned Things. Are you prepared for the apocalypse?
Read our exclusive interview with Scott Ian (Anthrax) and Matt Mogk (Zombie Research Society) on
Sisi Suicide in Pensive

- INTO: High heels, awesome adventures, amazing friends, unicorns, brie, dinosaurs.
- NOT INTO: Liars, gold diggers, hangers on, cheats.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Sunshine, finding money down sofas, love, kissing in the rain, cuddles, romance, dinosaurs, Jeremy Kyle, chips & cheese.
- MAKES ME SAD: Rainy days, broken hearts, sleeping in an empty bed.
- HOBBIES: Getting tattooed, going on adventures, falling off my high heels.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Mobile phone, my bed, laptop, family, and the boy.
- VICES: Silk Cut Silver.
Get to know Sisi better over at!
by Aaron Detroit
“You can protest all day, but you gotta go drinking at night.”
– Al Jourgensen
Al Jourgensen has just released the last chapter in the annals of his nearly three decade-long career as the self-professed maniac behind industrial godfathers Ministry. It’s appropriately titled The Last Sucker and also serves as the final piece in Ministrys trilogy of albums attacking the Bush Administration and the United States current political system. Al is also throwing one last party, in the shape of a world tour and a party album of covers, before he splits to allow fans a chance to say goodbye and dance with him on Ministry’s grave.
Lalou Suicide in Incandescence

- INTO: Animal rights, activism, dressmaking, designing, pole dancing, cooking and baking, kissing girls.
- NOT INTO: Waiting, strangers trying to make random conversation (but on SG I love it), nosiness (but on SG I love it), losing stuff (objects, not competitions), being tired, being hungry, losing my appetite.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Seeing my man, people enjoying my food, talking to and seeing my mom, being a friend, wearing the clothes I make, and nookie!!!!!
- MAKES ME SAD: Being helpless, missing my man, and no nookie 🙁
- HOBBIES: Cooking and baking like a whore, dressmaking, being the perfect trophy wife for Mr BoerPunk.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: SG, Facebook, email, the internet, my sunglasses, eyeliner, my friends, my sewing machine, the kitchen and everything in it, my man!!!!
- VICES: What’s a vice? No really, I don’t know what a vice is.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Doing all the above-mentioned things, and poking around in the Member Revue queue.
Get to know Lalou better over at!