Jaclyn Suicide in Ruffled

- INTO: Tea, bad puns, Kafka, bunny ears, geeks, gaming, memes, bicycles, the smell of pheromones.
- NOT INTO: Pesticides, stuffed green peppers, hatred.
- HOBBIES: Jack-of-all-trading.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My glasses, my iPod, a comfy hoodie, a pencil, and a notebook.
- VICES: Procrastination, perfectionism, parliaments, alliteration, coffee.
Get to know Jaclyn better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Keith Daniels
“I can get it to a point where I know I could probably do it better, but…”
-Mike Cooley
Georgia-by-way-of-Alabama’s Drive-By Truckers are by nature what so many bands today aspire to be by artifice: authentic, American, rootsy rock’n’roll. They first hit the national radar with their third album, Southern Rock Opera, an ambitious double-album which used the story of Lynyrd Skynyrd as a metaphor for the decline of the South as a whole.
Ever since, even while weathering lineup and label changes, they’ve cranked out a great new record on a near-yearly basis in a decade-long winning streak that few bands have equaled.
Baz Suicide in En Relev

- INTO: Truth.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Red Wine, chocolate, shopping, music, beach, orgasms.
- MAKES ME SAD: Cellulite, allergies, addictions, sneezing, not having an orgasm.
- HOBBIES: Singing, touching myself, touching him, touching myself again, and still not having stop to sing…
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My guitar, my cellphone, my dildo, my shampoo and my mp3 player.
- VICES: I’m such a drama queen.
Get to know Baz better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Erin Broadley
“I’m ready to fight and I’m ready to sing.”
– Pearl Aday
It’s a cool Los Angeles night at the Standard Hotel and the scantily clad girl in the Plexiglas cage above the concierge desk is nodding off… but then again, Mondays are always a little slow. A drifter ambles past the front entrance, down the sidewalk, mouthing along to whatever voice rattles through his head. Meanwhile rock singer Pearl Aday and I are holed up in a booth in the hotel’s the street-side diner. As she drinks tea and I sip merlot, we talk about the current state of music, more specifically women in rock-n-roll, and Pearl is pissed off.
Luana Suicide in The Show Must Go On

- INTO: Dancing around my house in my undies.
- NOT INTO: Ignorant people.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My dog Kingston, good food, great company.
- MAKES ME SAD: Judgment.
- HOBBIES: Reading, laying in the sun with my fruity drink, sketching, Mario Cart Wii, eating, good sex.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Music, Chapstick, a pen, laughter, sex.
- VICES: Weeeeeeeeed.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Eating, playing with my puppy, reading, watching good movies, cooking, being with family/friends.
Get to know Luana better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Erin Broadley
“Theres as much chaos in planting vines…”
– Maynard James Keenan
Ghost towns have a bad reputation: Shop doors creak, saloons swirl with phantoms of unloved prostitutes, rotting jail cells are haunted by remorseless outlaws, and the dusty streets are patrolled by spirits of hardened deputies.
For some, ghost towns are merely creepy roadside attractions; for others they are American landmarks brimming with history’s shadows and latent inspiration. The abandoned mining settlement of Jerome, Arizona is one of the oldest and largest American ghost towns. Until recently, its roads lay ruined and its doors were boarded up. It quietly waited for some headstrong thrill-seeker to dust it off and polish its potential. Now a vibrant artist community, Jerome is the place that Maynard James Keenan calls home.
by Alana Joy
Every week we ask you guys to show us your ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday: we choose one favorite submission each from Twitter and Tumblr and they win a free 3 month membership to SuicideGirls.com.
Check out this weeks winners!