Opaque Suicide in Lothlorien

- INTO: Forest gardening, crop circles, natural earth homes – cob cottages, human evolution of the spirit, living in balance with nature, people who take action and control of their own lives, healthy organic nourishment and sound food production practices, cyclical thought/living.
- NOT INTO: Unconscious consumption, genetically modified organisms/Monsanto, pesticides, knowledge but no action, broken natural cycles, mindless obedience, those who let others determine the sequence of their life, linear thought/living.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Sunshine, stars, tea, friends, laughter, a warm sweater on a chilly day, good music, good food, homemade pie, ecologically minded humans, action, evolution, thought, but mostly elderberry wine.
- MAKES ME SAD: The abuse and destruction of our mother earth.
- HOBBIES: Reading, making things, cooking & baking like a whore.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Food, water, shelter – that’s only 3?
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Wondering what to do with it.
Get to know Opaque better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Nicole Powers
“The raging snark.”
– Moby
Moby could be described as a reluctant celebrity. He first found his way into the collective consciousness with the 1992 rave anthem “Go.” In the faceless world of techno culture success remained within his comfort zone. For the remainder of the decade he released his increasingly hybrid electronic-based music with little fanfare outside of the dance world. His 1999 album Play, barely made a ripple in the ocean of record sales when it first came out.
However, after a series of high profile film, TV and ad licenses, Play was propelled into the mainstream and Moby into the media maelstrom with it. Track 5 from the album, “South Side,” a little duet with Gwen Stefani, subsequently gained momentum, becoming an MTV staple for many months. It reached number 14 in the Billboard Hot 100 and number 3 on the Modern Rock singles chart in 2001. Play went on to sell over 10 million copies worldwide.
As film director David Lynch succinctly puts it, “Success is just as dangerous as failure, maybe more.” In the years since “South Side” graced the charts, Moby has not exactly been chasing similar commercial success — far from it — however many automatically assume he has. After all, money and fame are the goals of every artist right?
Luscious Suicide in Grime

- INTO: Small government, the right to privacy, the right to bear arms. Drinking fine organic red wine and local beer made with spring water, copulating daily, getting my empty skin-canvas covered with art from my favorite minds.
- NOT INTO: Big government, chlorine and fluoride being added to water, being exposed to toxins in daily life, electro-magnetic chaos, stress, high definition TV’s, pesticides, genetically modified foods/animals…”
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Any day where a crooked politician is publicly embarrassed, and made to fumble on their own words and backpedal desperately.
- MAKES ME SAD: The intentional “dumbing down” and distraction of society to repress uprising, free thought, and speech. People excessively eating mass produced, abused animals…
- HOBBIES: Snowboarding, jogging, gardening, paint-ball, wake boarding, drunk-ass bocci ball in the sunshine, metal working, painting, Roller-Derby, hiking, road tripping.
- 5 THINNGS I CAN”T LIVE WITHOUT: METAL!! (In a loud shrieking voice), hydrogen peroxide, Dr.Bronners, tea tree oil, snowboarding.
- VICES: The chronic, those little succulent Thai patties from zen gardens, goji / acai / mangosteen / noni juices.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Perusing Infowars.com/ and Prisonplanet.com/, reading, planting things, maintaining as much greenery indoors as possible, hanging out with nature.
Get to know Luscious better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Jay Hathaway
“I had been in a sexually hibernated state of mind…”
– Kevin Barnes
Of Montreal’s Kevin Barnes has been experimenting with pop music for almost 20 years, all the way back to recording home demos in high school. He started of Montreal in 1997 in Athens, GA, and fell in with the Elephant 6 collective, which included bands like Elf Power, Neutral Milk Hotel, and The Apples in Stereo. Since then, of Montreal has put out nine records, including Barnes’ biggest critical success, 2007’s Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?
Sysca Suicide in Nice n Easy

- MAKES ME HAPPY: When Maedusa posts new testimonials on my profile.
- MAKES ME SAD: I hate interns.
- HOBBIES: Photography, illustration, css, sex, parties, sex, shopping, walking, sex, writing.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T DO WITHOUT: Laptop, water, music, Clarins cream, a place to hide.
- VICES: Always come for more.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: I’ve got no fucking free time.
Get to know Sysca better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Andrea Larrabee
“I’d kill some zombies.”
– Craig Mabbitt
It’s 4 o’ clock in the afternoon, and I’m in the dancers’ dressing room at Crazy Girls, a strip club on the corner of La Brea and Sunset in Hollywood, waiting to meet Craig Mabbitt and Max Green from the post-hardcore band Escape The Fate. Their third album has just been released the previous day, and the boys are scheduled to perform a special mini-set for a select group of guests invited to a record release party hosted by their new label, Interscope, at the intimate venue later on in the evening.
Cracked mirrors and a ’70s style red formica laminate counter run around three walls, the fourth being taken up mostly by a bank of sticker-adorned lockers. The carpet has seen better days, the lighting is harsh, and the room is otherwise sparsely furnished with a few cheap chairs and an exceptionally wobbly table. Ink jet printed signs are taped up in several places to remind the girls who usually occupy this space that the $25 house fee must be paid before they start their shift. In short, in the cold light of day, the circumstances are seedy rather than sexy – though that would change later on in the evening as the club came alive to the epic, hormone-charged sounds of Escape The Fate’s grind-friendly release.
Embry Suicide in Union Pacific

- INTO: Dirty boys, astrology, yoga, activism, art projects, learning new things, music, movies, history, body mods, hair, bike rides, and traveling.
- NOT INTO: Close mindedness, systems of oppression.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: My cat 🙂
- MAKES ME SAD: Empty beds.
- HOBBIES: Cooking, reading, watching documentaries – I’m a bit of a hermit.
- 5 THING I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My cat, cigarettes, incense, Dr. Bronner’s magic soap, tea.
- VICES: Lots of bad things.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Lounging, lurking, riding my bike, exploring.
Get to know Embry better over at SuicideGirls.com!