by Andrew E. Konietzky
Let’s get straight to the heart of the film… John Cusack, Craig Robinson, and Rob Corddry play three guys who were all best friends in their ’80’s heyday but have since drifted apart. When Corddry passes out in his car while it’s idling in his closed garage, the other two take it as a suicide attempt and plan a reunion trip to Kodiak Valley, the ski resort where they once had an epic weekend in the winter of ’86. Cusack brings along his nephew, played by Clark Duke. [..]
by Tara Diane
So I’m sure most of you have heard of the Rasterbator, but I’m sincerely sad for those of you that have not! Rasterbator is the most insanely easy and cheap decorating tool in the fricking world. You take any small image and Rasterbator makes that shit gianormous! Hells yeah, right?! [..]
Aleon Suicide in In The Clover

- into: Styling, modeling, watching movies, eating, pot, cleaning, and contemplating the meaning of life
- not into: Vanilla flavored people
- makes me happy: Sandwiches, movie nights, sushi, roller coasters, cuddling, my kitties, doing hair, driving around blasting my musaaac, spending time with my besties, family, and my amazing boy 🙂
- makes me sad: Stepping on snails
- 5 things i can’t live without: Vodka, eyeliner, cable, sushi, & the sun.
- vices: Cookies. All kinds. I can’t say no.
- i spend most of my free time: What is this thing you call free time?
Get to know Aleon better over at!