Jul 2010 30

It seems like all we hear about these days is how the economy is in the crapper, so I am doing my part to save some money and make a kick ass accessory at the same time.  The great thing about making something from scratch is it’s completely customizable.  I went to the fabric store and got a couple of yards of different fabrics that tickled my fancy and got to sewin’.  This is how to make a quick and adorable tote bag.


Jul 2010 30

by AJ Focht

Ten years ago the internet was just starting to get its game on attracting people and businesses alike. The one thing I recall the most, from that time period, was the mass emphasis on internet anonymity. Parents, teachers, and sponsored commercials all warned of the dangers of using your real name or information online. For years it was common practice to sign up on every new website with a fake name, fake address, and if possible an email account that was only used to sign up for things.


Jul 2010 30

by Bob Suicide

Expanding upon the idea that geeky girls will develop a +1 to attraction when meeting a guy who isn’t afraid or doubtful of her interests in all things nerdy you can increase your stats even further by treating her like “one of the guys.” Now, I know this sounds A) weird and B) counter-intuitive to your ultimate goal of hooking up with a hot chick, but–trust me–most ladies of the geek persuasion will love it! [..]

Jul 2010 30

by Alana Joy

This might be our favorite video blog so far:

Missy, Rambo, and Reagan bust a move at SGHQ… as they take the Old Spice/Blade challenge. No seriously, Rambo puts one on each armpit and Missy and Reagan have to figure out which they like best: and say what they would do to the man wearing each.

Get updated on Missy’s Operation Oprah: and she announces the winner from last weeks request for suggestions on how she can get Oprah’s attention. Someone won a YEAR membership to! That’s what’s up.

Oh, and Rambo teaches you guys another dance: this time it’s the “sprinkler”. [..]