On Monday night, a 23-year old female protester named Lauren Valle was assaulted by a group of male Rand Paul supporters before a debate in Kentucky between the Republican candidate and his Democratic counterpart, Jack Conway. The incident was captured on a video which has since gone viral.
By Malloreigh
I didn’t grow up vegan, but I can’t imagine how frustrating it would be to go trick-or-treating and come home with a bag full of candy you can’t eat. Now that I’m too old to walk around the neighbourhood asking for candy, I sit at home and give it out. While vegan kids can’t eat – and vegan grown-ups don’t give out – miniature chocolate bars, there are a few types of common candy that are “accidentally vegan.”
by AJ Focht
The music industry has won the day as file sharing program Limewire has been forced to stop its “searching, downloading, uploading, file trading and/or file distribution functionality.” Limewire was ordered by US courts to shut down its services after being found in violation of mass copyright infringement.
This major file sharing service may have closed down but it is only a temporary block until its users find another site. The music industry has been fighting internet pirating sites since Napster, and for each victory they win another hundred sites pop up in their place. The Internet Industry Association says, “the music industry needs to focus on new business models.”
With that in mind, could MySpace be the answer the music industry is waiting for? With the launch of the new Myspace reboot, the site has taken a step away from the social networking world and is going in a new direction.
by Nicole Powers
“It’s like a really bad trip.”
– Camille Rose Garcia
Growing up in the shadow of Disneyland, artist and illustrator Camille Rose Garcia spent a lot of time contemplating the reality of fantasy and the fantasies that make reality palatable.
Just as the white paint flaked and the wood decayed in the once-perfect picket-fenced suburbs that surround Disney’s Orange County Fantasyland, on canvas and in print, Garcia’s brightly colored fairytale tableaus are juxtaposed with darker elements, as real world forces impinge on her perfect dream worlds.
King Suicide in Talking Shit About A Pretty Sunset

- INTO: Titties, kittens, sewing, cooking for friends, cuddles, true buds, dirty girls, bruises, Tumblr.
- NOT INTO: Personal drama of others.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Cuddles & giggles, purrrrrrring, a new pair of shoes, tits rubbed in latex, holding hands.
- MAKES ME SAD: Sad things.
- HOBBIES: Making plushies and pasties and little delights.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: IPhone, white wine, heels, kitty cats, eyeliner.
- VICES: Oh so many.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Being introverted.
Get to know King better over at SuicideGirls.com!