by Brett Warner
“In the United States, Christmas has become the rape of an idea.”
– Richard Bach
“This job would be great if it wasn’t for the fucking customers.”
– Randall Graves
My enemy is a short, middle-aged African American woman wearing a purple felt winter coat and black leather gloves. We’re standing in the Politics section of Borders Books in the Southland Mall of Taylor, Michigan with one of my co-workers and a tall, white sweater-wearing man looking on from the sidelines. I’m holding a small hardcover book — not shelved in Politics, as the woman had claimed, but in Sociology. Caught mid-task in the midst of Holiday mall shopping pandemonium, she’d asked for help finding a book in this section. Escorting her here, a quick look on the Book Search computer revealed the title’s true location.
by Andrew E. Konietzky
I was again asked by the beautiful staff over at SuicideGirls to create a Top 10 Holiday Films list. As with my Horror Film Top 10, it is impossible to list all the applicable films or put them into some definitive order. I must once again post a small disclaimer; we all have our Holiday favorites we visit each year. You may prefer having a drink in Dorry’s Tavern with Mrs. Deagle in Gremlins. Others may want to attend the Christmas party at Nakatomi Plaza in Diehard. And Buddy the Elf, is already calling me a cotton-headed ninny-muggins for not mentioning Bad Santa, Better Off Dead, Dutch, or The Ref. I know I’m going to miss some, but here are 10 of my peppermint and gingerbread sprinkled seasonal faves.
by Tamara Palmer
“We were fans of the Smiths and Morrissey.”
– Nina Diaz: Girl In A Coma
Morrissey and his legendary former band The Smiths continue to have a far-reaching impact on music and style, reaching artists and fans across international and genre boundaries alike. Some, such as San Antonio-based rock trio Girl in a Coma (sisters Nina and Phanie Diaz and Jenn Alva), who are second-gen fans, have paid the ultimate homage by naming their group after one of his songs – in this case, 1987’s “Girlfriend in a Coma.”
Jensen Suicide in Doing It Wit…

- INTO: Cupcakes and hula hoops, tulips, economics and marketing, making messes, silliness, positivity, shoes, and artsy fartsy shit.
- NOT INTO: Cockroaches and mayonnaise, negativity, cat people.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Almost everything, really. Noises doggies make when they sleep.
- MAKES ME SAD: People who aren’t happy.
- HOBBIES: Lounging in my hammock with a beer, a book, and a pug, being silly, murdering people at words with friends.
- 5 THINNGS I CAN”T LIVE WITHOUT: My doggy, my computer and/or phone, water, blankets, cuddles.
- VICES: Passive-aggressive tendencies!
Get to know Jensen better over at!