by A.J. Focht
As the New Year begins, a lot of people are looking for ways to cut their spending. If you’re one of these people, you might want to start by scrapping your cable bill. Having any kind of network programming bill (cable, satellite, etc.) is becoming unnecessary. Even in those awesome ‘bundle’ packs you are paying significantly more than you have to, since most of the content included by the cable and satellite companies is now being offered by internet streaming services.
by Edward Kelly
My friends and I used to hang around in parking lots quite a bit. Loitering was something of a past time, but not because we were latchkey kids or looking for someone to buy us beer. We just always ended up in parking lots. Didn’t matter how cold it was or how many cars were there, we’d be seen standing around talking about whatever for a couple hours. As we grew up we traded parking lots for apartments, bars, and diners.
So it came as somewhat of a surprise when one night a few months ago I, now way beyond appropriate parking-lot-loitering age, and my friend, who also put his parking-lot years behind him, ended up in a parking lot, doing the same thing we did as teenagers: arguing about entirely insignificant stuff. Or in other words, shooting the shit about Star Wars. See, I had had the audacity to suggest the unthinkable – that with the right creative team and a few tweaks, the original trilogy of Star Wars could and should be remade. This, in nerd terms, is the equivalent of videotaping yourself having sex with your best friends’ mother.
by Tamara Palmer
“I was a really big fan of Christina’s…”
– Lady GaGa
At age 22, Lady GaGa (born Stefani Germanotta) has already written songs for Britney Spears and the Pussycat Dolls, gone number one in two countries and topped the iTunes chart with her debut album The Fame. Named after the Queen song “Radio Ga-Ga,” she’s also been accused of influencing the current sounds and visuals of another pop superstar, Christina Aguilera, who rocked a suspiciously GaGa-esque look at the MTV Video Music Awards and in recent promotional photographs. We spoke with this engaging ingénue in the making about these “dirrrty” claims, fame and the legacy of her idol, Andy Warhol.
Kraven Suicide in Steam Dream

- INTO: Magic, mythology, animal rights, stupid jokes, smart-asses, feminism, napping, creating trends, standing out, making statements, making a difference.
- NOT INTO: People not being honest, people who can’t drive – I mean seriously, get off the road.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Singing in a hot steamy shower, dancing in my birthday suit, bubbles.
- MAKES ME SAD: No hot water.
- HOBBIES: Playing poker, baking sweet goodies, painting, drawing, photography, being awesome – it’s a 24-7 job!
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Family and friends, laughter, sleep, my camera, Pepsi – and I’m adding on to the 5, sorry, deal with it. I also can’t live without my phone, fun road trips, art, music, and cup cakes baby!
- VICES: Being on the computer WAY TO MUCH, changing my look, dying my hair, lust, caffeine, gambling, spending money, waiting till the last minute to do things, being late, talking too much, guys who sing or play guitar.
Get to know Kraven better over at!