by Brett Warner
Go to any Starbucks in New York or Los Angeles and you’re guaranteed to find yuppie after yuppie, hunched over their MacBooks, working on a “screenplay.” By “screenplay,” of course, I mean Facebook…or online poker…or SuicideGirls – hopefully. There are a lot of screenplays floating around out there, though, and only an infinitesimal percentage of them will ever make it to the big screen one day. Why? Because most of them are shit. 99% of them are makeshift, amateurishly conceived pats on the back. Most movies are bad, so writing a screenplay must by extension be a piece of cake, right? Yeah, no. Even the most bloated, awful Hollywood blockbusters start out with a good screenplay. Hard to believe, but it’s true.

This Sunday (Feb 13th) our very special in-studio guests will be LA’s very own 19 piece 1930s New Orleans Orchestra and Cabaret – Vaud and the Villains. Every Saint has a past, every sinner has a future, and SuicideGirls hanging with Vaud and his Villains will make for a very entertaining present.
by Erin Broadley
“Everybody has a different memory. And none of it is true.”
– Peter Hook
“Every other band was on stage because they wanted to be rock stars, this band was on stage because they had no fucking choice,” sums up Tony Wilsons narrative. A camera pans across stark landscape of decrepit factories and abandoned warehouses. Wilson says, “I don’t see this as the story of a group, but of a city.” The group was Joy Division and the city was Manchester, England. It was 1976 and the group was about to change music, and their city, forever.
Lil Suicide in Inocencia Iluminada

- MAKES ME HAPPY: My homies.
- MAKES ME SAD: Heartbreakers, haters and posers. I HATE LIARS!
- HOBBIES: I love dance, draw, snowboard, skateboard, and listen to all styles of music.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My homies, and music.
- VICES: Better not to know them 😉
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Stoned and sometimes hungover.
Get to know Lil better over at!