by Blogbot
Moby has just announced the impending release of his new 15-track album, Destroyed, which will come out in mid-May. “Musically it’s very melodic and atmospheric and electronic,” says the composer, producer and DJ in a just-don’t-call-it-a-blog post. “If I had to sum it up I would describe it as: ‘broken down melodic electronic music for empty cities at 2 a.m.'”
Ahead of the album’s release, Moby is giving fans the opportunity to download an EP for free. The three song sampler contains the tracks “Be the One,” “Sevastopol” and “Victoria Lucas.” We highly recommend you put in the mouse time, since we’ve had these tunes in heavy rotation to help us chill the fuck out for most of the day.
by Damon Martin
“Can you tell me how to get…how to get to Sesame Street?”
According to the Republicans if you’re following Big Bird, you’re following a leftist liberal who will walk you straight into an abortion clinic while asking for government handouts.
Okay, yes that’s a bit extreme, but Republicans have once again set their sites on cutting spending within the government, while looking in all the wrong places. Much like the Republican House of Representatives before them, the newest legislature has again targeted the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) for elimination, proposing to cut all funds supplied by the Federal Government.
by Jay Hathaway
“I always design intending it to be 12 inches.”
-Conrad Keely
Over the past five years, Austin rockers … And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead have broken from Interscope, put out a series of increasingly challenging and complex albums, and started operating under their own imprint, Richter Scale Records. It’s been a tough ride for Trail of Dead, but it’s led them to their new LP, Tao of the Dead, which came together more easily than any record the band had ever done before. They finished it in just ten days.
Maia Suicide in Stairway to Heaven

- INTO: World of Warcraft.
- NOT INTO: All the rest.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Love, bed and cuddles.
- MAKES ME SAD: Cold and rain.
- HOBBIES: /purr.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My boyfriend, sleep, my friends, my clothes, my pc.
- VICES: Spending money, throwing tantrums, sleeping, World of Warcraft addicted.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: With my friends.
Get to know Maia better over at!