Dec 2015 02

By Blogbot

This Wednesday, December 2nd on SuicideGirls Radio, hosts Moxi Suicide, Nicole Powers, and Bradley Suicide will be kicking off the holiday season in style with actress, Garage Squad host, and mixologist extraordinaire Heather Storm, who’ll be mixing up a special SG cocktail live on air. Come join the party at 8 PM PST on TradioV!

You can listen – and watch – the world’s leading BYOB radio show live on Wednesday nights from 8 til 9 PM at our state-of-the-art all digital home:

If you have questions for the SG Radio crew or our guests, you can call in during the live broadcast at: 1-855-TRV-inLA (1-855-878-4652)


ICYMI: Watch last week’s show feat. Heather Storm here or via the player below.

For updates on all things SG Radio-related, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

About Heather Storm

Heather Storm is a professional host and actress with a passion for environmental conservation, delicious cocktails and adrenaline pumping fun. From a classy woman who appreciates fine wine and to one of the guys in the shop, Heather’s charm and quick wit incite the enthusiast.

Heather is currently the co-host of Velocity’s Garage Squad, where she can be found working on classic cars with the team. She has also appeared on Tosh.0, several Spike TV shows and teen comedy features, Epic Movie, and Dorm Daze 2

While attending Oregon State University, Heather signed with a sports modeling agency and started working for local companies, including Nike and Adidas. She has appeared in commercials, films, TV, and fitness videos worldwide. 

Heather is the co-founder of Black LAB, a mobile mixology company with and eco-conscious mind. Black LAB’s fresh juice cocktails and dedication to sustainable events are setting new industry standards. Heather hosted the EDM cocktail series, “The MixDown” on Complex TV and is a recurring guest mixologist on The Playboy Morning Show where she shares homemade cocktail recipes with over 1 million listeners monthly.

Carrying an Environmental Science degree from Oregon State University and a SCUBA Rescue Certification, Heather is an adventure seeking science nerd who has traveled the globe. She studied the queen conch population off South Caicos Island, designed green practice toolkits for the Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism in Puerto Rico and trekked through remote areas of Asia and Central America.

A life long pescatarian, Heather recognizes the importance of living  consciously and shares her blog, Eco-Conscious Living.  Discover  recipes, reviews and travel tips that encourage the evolvement into a more sustainable future.

For more information please visit Heather’s website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

May 2014 27

by Nicole Powers

One of the most intriguing characters in the new series of House of Cards, is that of hacker Gavin Orsay played by Jimmi Simpson. The political drama, which is written and produced by Beau Willimon and stars Kevin Spacey as the Machiavellian politician Francis Underwood, is highly addictive and a breakout hit on Netflix.

One of the secrets of the show’s success is that it exposes the down and dirty machinations behind the sanitized spin we’re usually presented with in the media. Indeed, much of the House of Cards action is centered around not only the insider intrigues within the White House, but the power play between politicians and the press.

We’re first introduced to Orsay in House of Cards, when a Washington Herald journalist, Lucas Goddwin (played by Sebastian Arcelus), seeks out the help of the online collective Anonymous, after more traditional forms of investigation lead to nothing but dead ends. Wanting to maintain House of Cards’ consummate sense of authenticity, when Willimon delved into the world of the hactivist hive he sought advice from one of its most respected members, Gregg Housh, who is credited as being one of the people who put the iconic Guy Fawkes mask on the group.

When it comes to recreating reality, the devil is in the detail, and one such detail Willimon included in his fictional series as a result of his association with Housh has had positive repercussions in real life. In a scene in which Orsay is negotiating his way out from under the thumb of an FBI agent, he also requests that “all of Barrett Brown’s charges are dropped.” For the uninitiated, Brown is a talented and colorful Vanity Fair and Guardian journalist with a penchant for red wine and bubble baths, who is currently residing in a Texas penitentiary facing charges related to the sharing of a hyperlink. The case is potentially precedent-setting –– and with threats of a 105-year jail term, has had a chilling effect on journalism –– so a pointed mention in such a highly respected and successful show was lauded by Brown’s supporters, online activists, and journalists alike.

SuicideGirls spoke with Simpson by phone on a Saturday in early March. The actor, who has had memorable recurring roles in the TV series 24, Breakout Kings, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and Psych, and prominent supporting roles in the films The Invention of Lying, Date Night, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, and White House Down, among others, also happens to be a member of our community. Our interview was arranged during enforced downtime, while Simpson was awaiting surgery on his collarbone. Though under doctor’s orders to take things easy himself, he spoke to us while he was waiting for a group of his friends to jump out of a plane.

Read our exclusive interview with Jimmi Simpson on


Oct 2013 18

by Blogbot

Join SuicideGirls and TradioV for a very special LIVE Halloween Broadcast from Hustler’s Sunset Strip store on Friday, October 25th.

SuicideGirls Radio will be on site to celebrate Halloween, the new SG book, Hard Girls, Soft Light, and their Blackheart Burlesque Tour, which hits the House of Blues in West Hollywood on Saturday, October 26th.

SuicideGirls Radio hosts Nicole Powers and Juturna Suicide will be joined by special guests Athena, Sharise Neil, and Bobbie Brown from the Fuse TV ratings hit Ex Wives of Rock (which airs on Saturday nights at 8 PM PST / 11 PM EST).

The LIVE event will also feature a Hustler Halloween Fashion Show highlighting Hustler’s 2013 Halloween costume collection. Last minute holiday shoppers can take advantage of the 20% discount off all purchases during the live broadcast event.

Where: Hustler, 8920 W Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069

When: Friday, October 25th from 7 until 9 PM.

Info: Visit the Facebook Event Page

Jun 2013 13

by Alexander Hinkley

[GoGo Suicide in The Twelfth]

GoGo is a sexy Italian model that is also into video games. She’s also a movie buff and hardcore Game of Thrones fan, so it’s safe to say that GoGo actually loves all sorts of nerdy things.

Is there a story behind your SG nickname?

There sort of isn’t one. When I first applied for the site I had to pick a nickname and GoGo is what came to mind. It sounded short and cute and easy to remember!

How long have you been modeling?

Since I applied for SuicideGirls in 2004.

You have a ton of really cool tattoos. Is there any special symbolism behind them?

Not really, I mean, besides the name of my dog on my ankle and Rain Dogs across my knuckles over Tom Waits, the rest is just ideas of things that I like / inspire me. I usually just give a rough idea to the artist and let him or her do the rest.

What are some of your favorite video games?

The Silent Hill saga has a special place in my heart. Other than that, I love Diablo 3, LA Noire, and Call of Duty.

Do you play games online much?

I used to be really into Diablo 3 and would play for hours every day. But the servers are so horrible, always down, and always laggy, so eventually I just kinda gradually gave up on it. Call of Duty is a game I like to play sporadically, like when I am really frustrated so I can just shoot some motherfuckers.

Which class do you prefer in Diablo 3?

Wizard all the way! I’m definitely a disintegrate/archon combo wizard.

Ever try to make money on the auction house?

Not real money, only gold to buy more equipment with. I never got that far as wanting to spend hundreds of real dollars for it. Maybe I would have been tempted once or twice if the servers were more reliable, but alas…

What’s your console of choice?

PS3 and desktop 🙂

Do you think the Silent Hill franchise has gotten better or worse over time?

I think it had ups and downs. Some of them were great, some not so great, but overall it’s the universe of it that really gets to you, you know? 1 and 3 are my favorites.

How/when did you first get into playing video games?

Gosh I don’t know. When my parents gave me a Sega Master System for Christmas when I was little, I guess!

Judging by the fact you list “Winterfell” as your hometown, I take it you’re a Game of Thrones fan?

Huge! I wouldn’t know where to begin! Last year I did a tribute shoot that came out super cool. It was the “grown up version” of Arya Stark. You should check it out!

So where did you really grow up?

Italy, books, and the internet 🙂

Which is better, the books or the TV show?

This is a hard question! I LOVE the books and at the same time I LOVE the show. I would instinctively pick the book because there’s just more of everything, and you can spend months reading them and being absorbed in the whole imaginarium –– but they sure are doing a great job with the TV version, too. The TV show has the potential to be on air for a long time, whereas the books are being published too far apart and it’s such a long, painful wait!

Favorite character?

Tyrion and Arya. Bran seems to be heading in a very badass direction too, whereas Jon isn’t really as interesting as he once was. But given the huge cliffhanger of the last book, I expect greater things for him to come. *SPOILER ALERT* (I just don’t want him to really be dead). I have to say since Theon became Reek, he also started to really interest me.

Have you gotten a chance to try the GoT RPG that was released back in May?

I haven’t! I feel like between the books and the TV show I have enough GoT in my life if that makes sense!

I understand you’re also somewhat of a movie buff. If you could make any movie into a video game, what would it be?

I am, that’s another subject I could talk about forever! Let me think… Perhaps an Oldboy inspired game where you wake up in a room you don’t know why and you have to solve the mystery and riddles etc. Hmm that sounds like Silent Hill a bit doesn’t it? 🙂

For more of GoGo find her on Facebook, Twitter and SuicideGirls, and be sure to checkout her Etsy store!


Mar 2013 12

by Blogbot

This Thursday March 14th on SuicideGirls Radio hosts Nicole Powers and Moxi Suicide will be joined in studio by long time friends of SG Rachel Federoff and Destin Pfaff. Perhaps best known for their roles on Bravo TV’s Millionaire Matchmaker show, the multi-talented couple will be talking about their killer movie Sushi Girl –– starring Mark Hamill (Star Wars), Noah Hathaway (Neverending Story), and Sonny Chiba (The Street Fighter) –– which has just been released on DVD. They’ll also be giving us the inside scoop on their recently launched DnR clothing and jewelry line.

You can listen – and watch – the world’s leading naked radio show live on Thursday nights from 6 til 8 PM at our new state-of-the-art all digital home:

You’ll also be able to listen to our podcasts via Stitcherdownload the app now!

If you have questions for the SG Radio crew or our guests, you can call in during the live broadcast at: 1-855-TRV-inLA (1-855-878-4652)

For updates on all things SG Radio-related, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


The livestream recording and podcasts of last night’s special Steak & Blow Job Day show featuring Millionaire Matchmaker‘s Rachel Federoff and Destin Pfaff are now live (see below). As well as swapping dating and sex tips, we check out clips from their killer flick, Sushi Girl, and preview items from their new clothing and jewelry line, DnR Brands. We also take a look inside the new SuicideGirls book — Hard Girls, Soft Light — and discuss the issues faced by those who suffer from a little known medical condition called “Clothing Intolerance.”

Video streaming by Ustream


Feb 2013 19

by Zach Roberts

Eros Hoagland is a photojournalist. His portfolio includes Afghanistan, Iraq, El Salvador, Haiti, Rio and Juarez. He’s seen the shit that you don’t want to – but need to and his memories are tagged NSFW.

Basically if it’s dangerous and there’s things to photograph, he’ll be there sooner or later. He’ll tell you he’s not an action photographer. It’s more about the aftermath for him. He’s been shot at however, well, he’ll say something to the extent that guns have been fired around him.

When I caught up with him via cell phone he was walking the streets of Tijuana, about 10 minutes into the conversation he starts laughing saying he just spotted a tattooed and pierced ‘SuicideGirl.’

I’ve seen his work in magazines and on news sites but as with most photographers, the photos don’t ever get attached to a name and a face – just a listing of the agency, maybe a last name. So when I heard that HBO was doing a series on photojournalists called Witness, in part on a guy named Eros Hoagland, I did a quick image search and re-discovered his work.

It’s not what you’d think; colors are drained, sometimes down to black and white. He shoots a lot with an iPhone. “I could give a shit about what other people think about what cameras I use.” He tells me cell phone shots allow him to get more real moments. “People don’t even know… their body language is completely different. The iPhone erases all of that.”

I’m not sure if Apple would want to use this as an endorsement. Hipstamatic might want too though. He says there’s “something very interesting about the way it compresses layers.” Indeed, he’s convinced me to go back to the app and drop Instagram.

Eros is not your traditional combat photographer, he’s more of a combat photo-essayist. He lays out a scene…there’s abstract shots, people’s faces are often obscured. He tells a story…”I’m not there to tell you what’s happening, I’m there to show you what I saw, what’s happening to me…you can come upon your own conclusion.”

One of the big dangers photographing in a place like Juarez – outside of direct violence – is the effect that you might have on the people after their photo is taken. Someone’s photograph showing up in a paper might endanger that person’s life, so Eros works abound that, shooting them in shadows, or with a slight blur. He’ll also do this for stylistic reasons, “[It] helps me convey a sense of mystery,” he explains. “I like people to look at pictures and say hmmm what’s going on here.” And they do. His photos convey the feel of the moment better than even video might (which he does as well).

His work from the Mexican border is coming together as a book called Reckoning at the Frontier. Some of the photos you see here will be in it. Reckoning at the Frontier will be more than just a portfolio book, he’s brought on a writer, Myle Estey (CNN, Global Post, VICE), who’s worked extensively in the borderlands to add essays and context to the photos.

Before we lost connection on our cells (me in Alaska, Eros in Tijuana) he said that he’d love to photograph SuicideGirls in his journalistic style, so if you’re in the San Diego area hit him up!

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Jan 2013 29

A.J. Focht

The biggest news of the month is that J.J. Abrams, director of the recent Star Trek films, is now set to take us to a galaxy far far away. Disney has signed Abrams on to direct the 2015 Star Wars: Episode VII. While many fans were thrilled to hear this news, there are those who fear this move crosses the streams. Either way, the internet is already being plagued with bad jokes about light sabers and lens flares.

G.I. Joe: Retaliation was abruptly delayed last year, but you can now catch a four minute preview of the movie in theaters. There’s a four minute 3D preview at the start of Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. The teaser is just a taste of things to come when the movie releases on March 29.

More information is coming out about the 2015 Justice League movie. It looks like only five members have made the final cut, and it’s just about who everyone would expect. Superman, Batman, the Green Lantern, the Flash, and Wonder Woman are rumored to be the core group of heroes. There is still a slight chance Aquaman or the Martian Manhunter could make an appearance, but most likely only as cameos. The one hero with the least possibility of making a cameo appearance would be Hawkman.

The Batman franchise is DC’s hottest property, and there has been talk of rebooting the series since before Christopher Nolan had a chance to even wrap up his trilogy. Now that Nolan’s Batman series has ended, DC and Warner Bros. are working Batman into their upcoming Justice League movie. Whispers of a series reboot haven’t gone away, though. Batman On Film speculates that the Batman series reboot could be in theaters as early as 2017.

Sequel to X-Men: First Class, the X-Men: Days of Futures Past will be following one of the most famous X-Men comic story arcs. The comic storyline involves an older Kitty Pride from a dystopic future transferring her consciousness to her past self to stop the events that lead to the Sentinels hunting down the mutants. This being the case, director Bryan Singer has the opportunity to combine the characters from the 1960’s storyline in X-Men: First Class with the original X-Men trilogy. Both Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart signed on to play the elder counterparts of Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy. Now, Singer has announced that three more members from the cast of the original X-Men trilogy have joined the fray. Appeasing comic fans everywhere, Ellen Page as Kitty Pride was one of those three. The other two returning characters are Anna Paquin as Rogue and Shawn Ashmore as Iceman. Days of Future Past is set to hit theaters on July 18, 2014.

Possibly the oddest gossip to fall into the rumor mill this month is that both Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey have been asked about their availability for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy project. They may both be in line for the role of Rocket Raccoon, or one may be in line for the gun-toting raccoon and the other for his partner the sentient tree, Groot. Guardians of the Galaxy is set to hit theaters August 1, 2014.

Marvel may just be entering their ‘Phase 2’, but they are already planning for the future beyond that. Guardians of the Galaxy is the only new title being released during Phase 2, the rest being sequels. Marvel plans to expand their properties during ‘Phase 3’ and have confirmed that both the long awaited Edgar Wright Ant-Man movie and the Doctor Strange film Stan Lee has been pushing to have made for years are on the docket. Kevin Feige noted that Phase 3 is when things are going to get strange, which means who knows what else Marvel has in store for us once they wrap up their current cinematic ventures.

The CW’s Arrow keeps adding classic DC icons to the show’s lineup. To make things even better, many of the actors they have chosen to go with have other sci-fi and nerd roots. John Barrowman who plays Malcom Merlyn on Arrow and Captain Jack on Doctor Who and its spinoff Torchwood is now being joined by another former Doctor Who cast member, Alex Kingston, who played the Doctor’s wife, River Song. Kingston will be playing the part of Laurel Dinah Lance’s mother on Arrow. Kingston isn’t the only new addition. Spartacus actor Manu Bennett has been cast in the major role of Slade Wilson. Wilson’s alter ego, Death Stroke, has already appeared on the show, but it looks like Manu Bennett will be the man behind the orange and blue mask.

I don’t think anyone would disagree that we could replace some of these teenage vampire shows on television with more zombie action. Walking Dead is one of the best shows on, but it alone doesn’t satisfy my craving for brain eaters. Well it looks like we may all be in luck. After being passed up by CBS and Syfy, Amazon is in negotiations to distribute a Zombieland TV show via its streaming platform. Better yet, director of acclaimed B-movie Tucker and Dale vs. Evil, Eli Craig is in talks to direct the series.

Finally, Doctor Who fans can now get back to their roots, since BBC America will being airing classic episodes of the show. They are going through the Doctors in order, airing a serial special each month. They have already begun with the four-part serial, “The Aztecs” that aired last weekend.