The Doctor Who Experience: Secretary Takes On Daleks and Weeping Angels – And Lives To Tell The Tale0
Posted In Blog,Entertainment,Geek,Internuts,TV
by Secretary
I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’m a massive Doctor Who fan. The longest running science fiction series in the world, it was first broadcast in 1964. It’s an idiosyncratically British institution, whose longevity is cleverly assured by one of the fundamental principals of our protagonist, the Doctor. He is able to ‘regenerate’ his physical form to cheat death – and to keep the show fresh and give writers wiggle-space, allowing the character to develop and change.
The program went on hiatus between 1989 and 2005 (with the exception of a movie, released in 1996), and when Russell T Davis revived it (with Christopher Eccleston and then David Tennant in the role of the Doctor), he was quick to say that it was the enduring affection of fans that helped convince the BBC to give it another shot.
Current writer Steven Moffat, who produced some of the most memorable shows of the Tennant era, has gone one further; he has actively sought to bring the fans into the experience with somewhat of a stylistic flourish. Late last year we were treated to Doctor Who Live, a stage-show big on audience participation, where monsters such as the Scarecrows, clockwork androids and Cybermen roamed the floors of the O2 Arena in London, terrifying small children and delighting older Who fans in equal measure.
The Doctor Who Experience, currently showing at London’s Olympia, is another gift to fans young and old; the audience become the story, and who was I to resist? I grabbed my Tom Baker scarf and my faithful companion, and prepared to indulge in some hardcore Who-dom (if you’re planning on seeing the show and are sensitive to spoilers, I’d discourage you from reading any further).