by Laurelin
Relationships are funny. I remember thinking when I was dating my ex that two people couldn’t be more perfect for each other. I was so lucky to be with my best friend and I couldn’t imagine facing the world with anyone but him by my side. As time went on I think I realized that maybe that was part of our problem – maybe we were always just meant to be friends. The world started looking a little different to me when I finally pinpointed that what I had always viewed as one of our strengths was actually a fatal weakness.
by Lavezzaro
Back in November 2005, I was just quitting my job as a photo-assistant in order to start shooting on my own, when a friend invited me to shoot her first set for SuicideGirls. I had never thought about photographing naked girls, but from the very first time, with SG Monik in Brazil, I had so much fun – and SG bought our set, which made me keep going and got me more and more involved.
by Keith Daniels
“I see this all the time, where people are just confused by the misinformation”
-Dr. Steven Novella
Dr. Steven Novella eats, sleeps, and breathes science. An academic clinical neurologist by day at the Yale University of Medicine, he spends much of the rest of his time promoting science and rationality through the massively popular weekly podcast he hosts, The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe, his own blog, Neurologica, and the influential blog he founded, Science-Based Medicine. He is also the President and co-founder of the New England Skeptical Society.
Tyra Suicide in Homework

- INTO: Sex, drugs, and rock & roll.
- NOT INTO: Brutishness, fat grindcore chicks, and machinators.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Festivals, my friends, love, and alcohol.
- MAKES ME SAD: Racism, love, and alcohol.
- HOBBIES: Art, music, and photography.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Sushi, sex, red lipstick, high heels, vodka, and my friends.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Free time? Drinking, friends, drugs, drinking, sex, friends – did I mention drinking?
Get to know Tyra better over at!