by Blogbot
Every week we ask the ladies and gentlemen of the social web to show us their finest ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday.
Our favorite submission from Twitter wins a free 3 month membership to

This week, @skin_ink_addict wins with an awesome bare to the bones back piece.
If you haven’t won this week, don’t forget that you can enter each week until you do, so good luck next Tuesday, and happy inking!
A few things to remember:
- You have to be 18 to qualify.
- The tattoo has to be yours…that means permanently etched on your body.
- On Twitter we search for your entries by looking up the hashtag #TattooTuesday, so make sure you include it in your tweet!
Check out the Tattoo Tuesday winners of weeks past!
by Steven-Elliot Altman (SG Member: Steven_Altman)
Our Fiction Friday serialized novel, The Killswitch Review, is a futuristic murder mystery with killer sociopolitical commentary (and some of the best sex scenes we’ve ever read!). Written by bestselling sci-fi author Steven-Elliot Altman (with Diane DeKelb-Rittenhouse), it offers a terrifying postmodern vision in the tradition of Blade Runner and Brave New World…
By the year 2156, stem cell therapy has triumphed over aging and disease, extending the human lifespan indefinitely. But only for those who have achieved Conscientious Citizen Status. To combat overpopulation, the U.S. has sealed its borders, instituted compulsory contraception and a strict one child per couple policy for those who are permitted to breed, and made technology-assisted suicide readily available. But in a world where the old can remain vital forever, America’s youth have little hope of prosperity.
Jason Haggerty is an investigator for Black Buttons Inc, the government agency responsible for dispensing personal handheld Kevorkian devices, which afford the only legal form of suicide. An armed “Killswitch” monitors and records a citizen’s final moments — up to the point where they press a button and peacefully die. Post-press review agents — “button collectors” — are dispatched to review and judge these final recordings to rule out foul play.
When three teens stage an illegal public suicide, Haggerty suspects their deaths may have been murders. Now his race is on to uncover proof and prevent a nationwide epidemic of copycat suicides. Trouble is, for the first time in history, an entire generation might just decide they’re better off dead.
(Catch up with the previous installments of Killswitch – see links below – then continue reading after the jump…)
by Blogbot
This Sunday our very special guests will be Love Junkie author Rachel Resnick, dating expert Marni Kinrys (of the Wing Girl Method), and SG’s Red, White and Femme post-feminist sex & sexuality columnist Darrah de jour. They’ll be chatting with hosts Nicole Powers (SG’s Managing Editor) and Lacey Conner (our resident recovering reality TV star from VH1’s Rock of Love and Charm School) about the issues surrounding sex and love addiction. When is a healthy sex life beyond healthy? Are hopeless romantics really hopelessly deluding themselves? Is sex and love addiction really a disease? Can it be cured? If so, how? And can we all learn healthier dating habits by understanding the issues raised by sex and love addiction?
Tune in to the world’s leading naked radio show for two hours of totally awesome tunes and extreme conversation – and don’t let yo momma listen in!
Listen to SG Radio live Sunday night from 10 PM til Midnight on
Got questions? Then dial our studio hotline digits this Sunday between 10 PM and midnight PST: 323-900-6012
And cyberstalk us on Facebook and Twitter.
LucySky Suicide in But The Ticket, Take The Ride

- INTO: Traveling, reading, music, cooking, art, old cars, ‘60s and ‘70s, anything vintage, fall weather, trying to play guitar, surfing when I can, long and short board skateboarding, photography, zombies, long road trips, no rules tackle mud football, beer.
- NOT INTO: Sneaky government propaganda coming through TV screens, and fake ass people.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Amsterdam and beer (PBR baby).
- MAKES ME SAD: Finding the time to surf, and the waves are flat!
- HOBBIES: Surfing, skating (vintage roller derby skates), long and short board skateboarding, trying to play the guitar.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Beer, music, love, soap, and my car keys.
- VICES: Beer, coffee, and horseradish!
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Drinking beer and searching for the daily unexpected.
Get to know LucySky better over at!