Nov 2011 29

by Aaron Colter

It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything about #OccupyWallStreet, and even longer since I first posted about the movement’s inception. Since then, a lot of things have happened, most of which are still too difficult to cope with intelligently or even handle on basic level. The world is awaking, bursting at the seams of what it means to be a society. It’s exciting, but frightening as well, confusing as always.

I hope to unpack all of those thoughts soon. Put them into the right places so that I can have a better grasp of what Occupy means, why in some ways it was a tragedy, and why it’s still hopeful. Most importantly, why its failure is a personal failure.

For now, if you’re supportive of the moment, continue to do what you can. Some of us in the comic scene have decided to come together for a Kickstarter project called Occupy Comics. Top names in the industry are creating their own interpretations and stories from the Occupy movement for a book that will be collected next year. For now, funds raised will be donated by the artists to various efforts around the world to help the Occupy movement continue. There are only a few days left to contribute if you’d like to help out or get a book.

Creators involved include: Darick Robertson (Transmetropolitan), Dan Goldman (Shooting War), Amanda Palmer (Evelyn, Evelyn), Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night), Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead), Riley Rossmo (Cowboy Ninja Viking), Tim Seely (Hack/Slash), Zoetica Ebb (SuicideGirls, Biorequiem), Steve Rolston (Queen & Country), Tyler Crook (B.P.R.D.), Steve Niles (30 Days of Night), both Brea Grant and Zane Grant of the SuicideGirls comic series, and many more. Plus, several other top creators will be announced soon!

If you’re into the idea, please contribute to the Kickstarter. And if you have an idea of your own for how to keep the Occupy movement alive, please make it a reality.

Thanks for reading.

Stay safe, stay positive.


Nov 2011 29

by Missy

“It’s tough not having more people to relate to you as a women.”
– Karen O

The Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs have just released Show Your Bones, the follow up to their hugely successful 2003 album Fever to Tell. Born out of the New York garage scene, the single ““Maps”” put them on the map and they haven’t looked back since. I caught up with the incredible Karen O before the band embarked on their latest tour.

Read our exclusive interview with Karen O of Yeah Yeah Yeahs on

Nov 2011 29

Machete Suicide (pictured here with Carrina) in Doll Parts

  • INTO: Shows, music, dancing around in the car, drinking beer, cooking, elephants ( for their big trunks), art, sext messaging, carne asada tacos.
  • NOT INTO: Sidekicks, Kraft cheese singles, The Beatles, pork, bouncers that take away your fake ID, really expensive clothes, The Fully Down, getting peed on in the shower.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: San Fran – I wanna move back soo bad, the West Coast is my true love.
  • MAKES ME SAD: When I run out of beer/cigs.
  • HOBBIES: Masturbating, cooking, drawing, belly dancing, and sex.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Oreos, Earl Grey tea, Zune, conditioner, and oscar.
  • VICES: Smoking, pot, drinking, and tattoos.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Being a big dork and telling really bad perverted jokes.

Get to know Machete better over at!