Rep. Lamar “SOPA” Smith Wants Big Brother To Watch What You Browse And Keep A Record Of Every Click10
Posted In Activism,Blog,Politics
by David Seaman
Rep. Lamar Smith, who was responsible for introducing SOPA, wants to get all up in your private business again, this time with the misleadingly named Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act (PCIP) a.k.a. H.R. 1981. Of course protecting youngsters from kiddie fiddlers and the like is no bad thing, problem with this Orwellian bill is that it treats every American as if they were one, and infringes on their privacy accordingly. If H.R. 1981 passes, Big Brother will not only be watching what you browse, but will be recording your every click. In his latest video post, SG political contributor David Seaman discusses its ramifications with web developer and IT expert Chalise Grogan. – Nicole Powers, SG Ed
David Seaman is an independent journalist. He has been a lively guest on CNN Headline News, FOX News, ABC News Digital, among others, and is the host of The DL Show. Some say he was recently censored by a certain large media corporation for posting a little too much truth… For more, find him on G+ and Twitter.