Feb 2012 03

by Blogbot

Millionaire Matchmaker, glam-goth reality TV star, mother, all round awesome person, and longtime friend of SG, Rachel Federoff recently became a spokesperson to raise awareness for the dangers of the choking game. It’s estimated that between 250 and 1,000 children die each year from the practice, however hard statistics are difficult to come by since many coroners record such deaths as suicide. This is one the reasons Federoff got involved and reached out to SG, since she’s currently championing a petition and letter writing campaign to persuade our government to devote resources to the issue so it can be properly investigated. Though numbers a hard to come by, the choking game seems to be especially prevalent in middle school aged children, with the median age of death from it being just thirteen. We checked in with Federoff to find out more.

Question: What inspired you to get involved in raising awareness for the dangers of the choking game?

Rachel Federoff: I met two ladies on Twitter who are uber fans of me, Barb Dibben and Neecy Jarman. Neecy lost her 13-year old son from this awful act and told me about it [see ABC News report]. Being a mom, I was, of course, devastated to hear about it, and knew exactly what he died from as I had a close childhood friend die from it in high school. I felt it was so important to help spread the word on this and, as of Monday, the ladies asked me to be the spokesperson for this. I was so honored and touched to help be a part of making the world aware and hopefully stop more children from dying.

Q: Can you tell us more about the organization you’ll be acting as spokesperson for?

RF: I will be working with Neecy and Barb and other non profit organizations such as the DB Foundation (Dangerous Behaviors). Both ladies received grant money from Pepsi Co. and we are looking at having the first national conference.

Q: It’s shocking that kids are playing this “game” at such a young age. Why do you think that is?

RF: It’s so crazy to me that people are so unaware of this as it’s been going on forever. I knew plenty of kids that did it growing up. I think kids are always looking at new ways to get “high.” If it’s not whip-its, it’s pot or whatever. Now it’s getting high by strangulation. They think it’s harmless but it’s not. They really do think it’s just a game, and when you’re young you have that “I’m going to live forever” mentality.

Q: And I guess kids being kids, there’s a lot of peer pressure involved…

RF: Absolutely, especially at middle school age like Neecy’s son. He was just thirteen. That’s why it’s so important that parents are aware of this behavior and have open relationships with their kids. Parents need to teach their kids that it’s not a game and will not make them “cool” if they participate. When I saw friends doing it I thought it was stupid and dangerous so I stayed away from playing.

Q: What resources are out there to give parents a better understanding of this issue? Are there any websites you could recommend?

RF: Sadly there just isn’t enough and that’s why people have no idea this exists and what it is. But there are some: and

Q: What can people do to help?

RF: We are currently asking everyone we can to sign a petition and send letters to congress to make them open their eyes that the choking game needs to be addressed seriously. The more signatures and letters we send the better. All you have to do is go here. Also we’re asking people to post the link on their Twitters and Facebooks and anywhere else. We have over 1000 letters already! I also created a cause page people can join for more info and support.

Q: Finally, you know I have to ask; Millionaire Matchmaker is my guilty pleasure for many of us at SG. I’m totally addicted. What can we expect from the new season and when will it air?

RF: LOL Well it looks like we are scheduled to start filming Season 6 in March or April. As for when it airs, I have no idea yet. So many people are having Millionaire Matchmaker withdrawal. We’re coming back, so hang in there!

Related Posts:

SG Interview with Rachel Federoff – Millionaire Matchmaker
SG Interview with Destin Pfaff: Millionaire Matchmaker

Feb 2012 03

by Blogbot

This Sunday (Feb 5) on SuicideGirls Radio we’ll be learning How to Survive the Apocalypse with A Burning Opera, a musical extravaganza inspired by Burning Man, which is returning to Hollywood’s King King (Feb 21-23) after a successful run this past summer. SG Radio hosts Nicole Powers (SG’s Managing Editor) and Lacey Conner (our resident recovering reality TV star from VH1’s Rock of Love and Charm School) will be joined in-studio by Mark Nichols (The Burning Opera ’s composer), Daphne Vega (one of the LA producers), and a couple of the LA cast members.

Tune in to the world’s leading naked radio show for two hours of totally awesome tunes and extreme conversation – and don’t let yo’ momma listen in!

Listen to SG Radio live Sunday night from 10 PM til Midnight on

Got questions? Then dial our studio hotline digits this Sunday between 10 PM and midnight PST: 323-900-6012

And cyberstalk us anytime on Facebook and Twitter.


Feb 2012 03

by Steven-Elliot Altman (SG Member: Steven_Altman)

Our Fiction Friday serialized novel, The Killswitch Review, is a futuristic murder mystery with killer sociopolitical commentary (and some of the best sex scenes we’ve ever read!). Written by bestselling sci-fi author Steven-Elliot Altman (with Diane DeKelb-Rittenhouse), it offers a terrifying postmodern vision in the tradition of Blade Runner and Brave New World

By the year 2156, stem cell therapy has triumphed over aging and disease, extending the human lifespan indefinitely. But only for those who have achieved Conscientious Citizen Status. To combat overpopulation, the U.S. has sealed its borders, instituted compulsory contraception and a strict one child per couple policy for those who are permitted to breed, and made technology-assisted suicide readily available. But in a world where the old can remain vital forever, America’s youth have little hope of prosperity.

Jason Haggerty is an investigator for Black Buttons Inc, the government agency responsible for dispensing personal handheld Kevorkian devices, which afford the only legal form of suicide. An armed “Killswitch” monitors and records a citizen’s final moments — up to the point where they press a button and peacefully die. Post-press review agents — “button collectors” — are dispatched to review and judge these final recordings to rule out foul play.

When three teens stage an illegal public suicide, Haggerty suspects their deaths may have been murders. Now his race is on to uncover proof and prevent a nationwide epidemic of copycat suicides. Trouble is, for the first time in history, an entire generation might just decide they’re better off dead.

(Catch up with the previous installments of Killswitch – see links below – then continue reading after the jump…)


Feb 2012 03

Iluvenis Suicide in Berries and Tea

  • INTO: Science, cooking, photos, love.
  • NOT INTO: Fake people.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: My friendships, my loves, chocolate, ice cream, sugar.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Lies.
  • HOBBIES: Reading, photography, cinema, dancing, sex.
  • VICES: Chocolate, sex, internet.

Get to know Iluvenis better over at!