Moxi And Vivid Suicide Have Fun With Cream Pie At Slake’s “Dirty” Issue 4 Release Party1
Posted In All Things SG,Art,Blog,Books,Entertainment
by Blogbot
Our friends over at Slake marked the publication of the fourth Dirt-themed issue of their Los Angeles-centric literary book/magazine hybrid with an evening of dance, music, art, free beer, and pie – served by “Pie Girls” Moxi and Vivid Suicide. The event was held on Friday May 4 at Atwater Crossing, a multi-purpose eat, drink, performance, gallery, and work space in Hipsterville, LA.
Slake founders Joe Donnelly and Laurie Ochoa were joined by former Guided By Voices member James Greer (who hosted a station where attendees could make original album art for his new Detective project), and many of the local writers and artists who had contributed to the new issue. SG’s Red, White & Femme post-feminist sex & sensuality columnist Darrah de jour was also in attendance, as was OG LA occupier Gia Trimble (who was a guest on SG Radio’s OccupyLA-themed show this past Sunday) and photographer Ted Soqui (who took the iconic “Protester” image which was used by Time Magazine for the cover of their “Person of The Year” issue).
With two Suicide Girls girls on hand to celebrate the release of Slake’s Dirt, things naturally got a little naughty (see NSFW pic). The evening came to a climax with one lucky lady getting cream pie in her face – though we’re not exactly sure why 😉
If you’d like to get down and Dirt-y with the folks from Slake, they’re having another soirée later this week at the rather civilized Stories Books & Cafe in Echo Park (which boasts a great book selection and to-die-for Mac & Cheese!). In keeping with the new issue theme, the event will feature scribes Jack Lander, Antonia Crane, Lucy Engelman, Dave White, Christopher Byars, and Vanessa Carlisle reading sordid stories in the store’s back patio – the night promising to be as debauched as it is divine.
Where: Stories Books & Cafe, 1716 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90026.
When: Thursday, May 10 at 7:30 PM
Info: slake.la/events/slake-stories-books
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