by Alexander Hinkley

[Rambo in Fast Times]
SG Gamer of the Week this week is Rambo. She is a retro gamer that loves a lot of the classics. I sat down with Rambo to talk about some of her favorite and least favorite video games. She also shares her plans for a video game-related tattoo. Can’t go wrong with Final Fantasy VII!
What is the story behind your SuicideGirls nickname? It reminds me of the movies…
The story behind my SG name is just that Rambo is a complete badass, and so am I 😉
When did you first get into playing video games?
I started playing video games around the age of four. I grew up with two brothers and a dad who all loved video games so they’ve been a huge part of my life for pretty much as long as I can remember.
What are some of your favorite games?
Some of my favorite games are Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9 for PS1, Donkey Kong Country for SNES, Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past for SNES, Mario Kart 64, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for N64, and Kirby’s Epic Yarn for Nintendo Wii.
Ah so you are more of a retro gamer. What would you say is your favorite system?
Definitely a retro gamer! My favorite system is a toss up between PS1 and N64.
I noticed you didn’t mention Majora’s Mask. Did you not like that game?
I actually haven’t played Majora’s Mask!
Recommend a PS1 or N64 game that many people don’t know about but is amazing.
Well, I think Rogue Trip for PS1 is totally underrated. Such a fun game!
What is the worst game you’ve ever played?
Haha, ummm probably ClayFighter for N64.
What are you currently playing?
I’m currently playing Kirby’s Epic Yarn and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for Wii.
Tell me about your tattoos. How many do you have, where, and what?
I have a bunch of tattoos. Not sure how many exactly, somewhere near 15 I think? I’ve got roses for my mom and brother, “Patience is a Virtue” on my tummy, the Creation of Man hands on my back, matryoshka dolls on my arm for my aunt, and lots more.
Would you ever consider getting a video game-related tattoo?
I will absolutely get a video game-related tattoo! I’m planning to get Rupees, and brainstorming a FF7 tattoo as well.
If Guardian Forces were real, which one would you junction?
Bahamut! Although Shiva and Ifrit will always hold a special place in my heart.
Cloud vs Squall vs Zidane. Who wins?
Cloud, without a shadow of a doubt!
What is the longest you’ve ever gamed without stopping?
I think the longest I’ve ever gamed without stopping is something like 12 hours (when I was much younger and had that kind of free time on my hands, haha).
Aside from video games, what are some other things you like to do for fun?
I love anything creative. I do a lot of photography, sewing, paper crafts, crocheting, and cooking.