The Mischievous Vegan: Trick Or Treat? – Can I Read the Ingredients On That First?0
Posted In Blog,Food & Drink,Vegan,Vegetarian
By Malloreigh
I didn’t grow up vegan, but I can’t imagine how frustrating it would be to go trick-or-treating and come home with a bag full of candy you can’t eat. Now that I’m too old to walk around the neighbourhood asking for candy, I sit at home and give it out. While vegan kids can’t eat – and vegan grown-ups don’t give out – miniature chocolate bars, there are a few types of common candy that are “accidentally vegan.”
Here’s A List of Some Hallovegan Candy:
- Airheads taffy
- Blow Pops
- Cherry Blasters
- Dots
- Fuzzy Peaches
- Jolly Ranchers
- Laffy Taffy
- Mike and Ike
- Regular, BBQ, and All-Dressed Lays Potato Chips
- Smarties
- Sour Patch Kids
- Swedish Berries
- Swedish Fish
- Sweet Tarts
- Twizzlers
You can find more at PETA’s Accidentally Vegan page.
Keep in mind that white sugar (which is the kind used in most of this candy) is refined with bone char, which actually isn’t vegan, but PETA doesn’t seem to care about that. You could give out boxes of raisins, but then your house might get egged by angry sugar-hounds – a high insult to a vegan!