Aug 2010 31

by Nathalie Moody

Jealousy. Why was this emotion created in the master-planning of the emotions? There must be some involvement from the devil here. He must get off with twisted satisfaction as the most rational and mature lot of us, struggle to ignore the evilness of this illogical envy! It creeps under our skin and skews are sense of reality. Jealousy can distract us from moving on, moving forward and functioning as a rational human being.

[Chloe & Vice in Strip Tease]

It is just a mental wiring issue that I am sure could be resolved in this age of science and medical brilliance. Why can’t there be some Survival of the Fittest/ Generational eradication of this unnecessary emotion? We seen this occur. Like the deep water fish that no longer has the once necessary sense of vision since it has been completely unnecessary for survival. This evolutionary process seems very appropriate for something like jealously but this could take too long for humankind. Evil envy only increases stress leading to chronic health conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, and loneliness. So my challenge to the medical community would be to develop some harmless pill or procedure that effectively deactivates the part of this brain. Results? Quick movement past personal hardships so we can all avoid jealousy-related stress and serious conditions.

I wish we could just experience a methamphetamine rush instead of such ugly distress! When your co-worker is recognized for the team’s hard work and gets the big promotion instead of you – BAM! a rush of pure luscious dopamine. When your current boy crush doesn’t call back and he sends an adoring wall-to-wall FB note to your best friend- Blast! a slam of delicious neurological warmth soars through your veins as you instantly forget the origin of unfounded distress.

But as I move back to reality and face the potential for another stealth bomb slam of envy, I wonder how others have experienced and dealt with episodes of jealousy? I can’t be alone in my stumbles and fumbles to manage the emotional roller coaster of daily life. After a bad break-up or a hurtful discovery of infidelity, how do you cope and move on from the silliness of Jealousy?