Jan 2012 10
by Blogbot
- INTO: Balls, bones, cookies, cats, following Riae into every room, chasing animals in the woods, watching TV, and wearing stupid costumes ( I like it when my mum dresses me up).
- NOT INTO: Being alone, baths, and the vacuum cleaner.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Sleeping in bed with my mom and dad, long walks in the woods, bones, cuddles, and playing with the leash when I walk with my mom.
- MAKES ME SAD: Staying alone in the house and traveling by car.
- HOBBIES: : I love destroying tennis balls and puppets.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My mom, food, cookies, cuddles, and my blanket.
- VICES: I want all the attention for me. I’m jealous when my mum (or dad) cuddle the cats. I’m a little nasty with other dogs.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Sleeping or destroying anything in the house.
Get to know Leon’s mistress, Riae Suicide, over at SuicideGirls.com!