Oct 2012 05

by Nahp

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Yesenia Suicide in Vesuvian]

This week Yesenia tells us why she gets the warm and fuzzies with Cute Overload.

Members: 1,200 / Comments: 7,459

WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I can always count on the posts in this group to make my day better. It is impossible for me not to smile, giggle, and have my heart melt when I browse the threads in Cute Overload. It is packed with cute photos and videos of animals, kids, and other cute things. There is a video someone posted of a blind kitten playing with its first toy, a jingly ball, and it nearly made me tear because it was so cute! There is a sticky thread dedicated to posting photos of your own pets, and another for posting baby pictures of yourself. Many members start their own threads to discuss a particular cute video they found online.

DISCUSSION TIP: Post anything cute! It can be something you saw online, or something you took a photo/video of yourself. The cuter the better!!

I don’t think there are any heated threads. I would be surprised if I found one.

BEST RANDOM QUOTE: Pretty much anything a child says, and there are plenty of those videos in the group.

WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Anyone is welcome to join, and once you do, The cutest thing I saw today… is always a good place to start.


Jul 2012 30

by Jordan Mizell

Let’s take a Warped Tour through the reality of animal testing. The only reason you don’t care about it, is because you haven’t had to bare witness to it. It’s a twisted world when people have stilled their reservations about putting animals through painful testing. Testing that isn’t necessary and may not accurately show the effects the products would likely have on humans. Once you have seen the reality of what these animals are put through, it’s not a matter of choosing, but a demand not to support these practices or those that enforce them.

This year PETA2 joined the Warped Tour to turn the spotlight on cigarette companies. While testing the effects of smoking on animals has been banned in many other countries, the United States has yet to do so. Which begs the question: Why? We already have a wealth of data showing the harmful effects of cigarettes. We know they cause cancer. We know smoking isn’t good for you. At this point, pretty much every smoker in the world knows this. We are generally an over informed public when it comes to smoking. So why keep testing on animals?

PETA2 is asking the same question. Like many anti-anything groups though, it isn’t so much about convincing the individual, as it is forcing an industry to change. PETA2 has started a grassroots movement to do so. PETA2’s production manager, Paige Snyder, explains: “Too often people feel like they have little say in getting anything changed.”

But change would not have come to the countries that have already banned this type of testing, if it wasn’t for similar movements. Highlighting the fact that people have the choice to buy products that don’t utilize this type of testing, well that’s a powerful way to create change at a corporate level. Because, when protest affects the bottom line in business, it forces a re-evaluation. Even if you are a committed smoker, there are plenty of companies that do not engage in such cruel practices that better deserve you patronage.

So how is the Warped Tour involved in PETA2’s latest campaign? And why should you or they care? Chris #2, who was recently on the Warped Tour with his band Anti Flag, had this to say in relation to PETA2’s campaign:

“Tobacco companies seem to be battling it out for the Most Inhumane award. Their disregard for human life, let alone their morally bankrupt testing they continue to perform on animals, has to end. Seeing first hand Peta2 confront the patrons of Warped Tour with this information, and seeing them directly throw their cigarettes — and hopefully their support of such companies — away, was a daily inspiring event.”

“It’s all about giving people a voice to speak and be heard. Then we reward them for their contributions,” says Snyder. Even without incentives however, once informed many feel obligated to act. PETA2 has found many allies on the Warped Tour with regards to this issue, and in response to the outpouring of support for their wider anti-cruelty stance, they have supplied vegan chefs so that those who choose to do so can eat cruelty free. We’re told that even artists who aren’t actually vegan, have been appreciating the food offered. It’s always been a free speech zone around the Warped Tour table. What better way to start changing hearts, minds, and habits, than with fantastic meals!

Jul 2012 20

by Blogbot

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Payton in Sunshine]

This week Payton tells us why SG’s Kitties Group is one of her favorite places to play.

Members: 3,617 / Comments: 49,567

WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I love it because you get to hear and see the cutest funniest stories about everyone’s fluffy purr-ball. You can find really great stories and tips on almost everything about cats. 

DISCUSSION TIP: Don’t be afraid to share pictures of your kitty or even a friend’s or family member’s kitty. All are welcome. 

BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “The more people I meet, the more I love my cat.”

MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: I would say the best thread going now is “Reasons why I hate my cat(s) today


WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Every one who loves cats, weather you own one or not, as long as you love fuzzy balls of love.


Jun 2012 20

by Steven Whitney

It may seem odd that a 2½ minute video documenting an experiment with capuchin monkeys serves as the starting point of what is essentially a political blog. But often when things like human behavior and voting patterns don’t make sense, it’s useful to go back to the basics, to look beneath the surface to examine the mechanisms that create both predictable results and their often irrational anomalies.

The truth is, politics may be just as much about sociology – the way different groups
behave and interact – as it is about ideology and demographics. Today, we evaluate candidates, their actions, and their parties mostly within the context of a 24/7 news-cycle that inevitably creates a tabloid sensibility. And sometimes it’s necessary to pull back to a wider view to gain better perspective.

Eminent primatologist and ethologist Frans de Waal has devoted much of his life to the study of morality in animals. The recognized standard that de Waal employs to measure animal behavior is the Two Pillars of Basic Morality – one representing Reciprocity (sharing and fairness); the other signifying Empathy (compassion and concern for others).

In the video, two Capuchin monkeys in adjoining Plexiglas cages are given the same task – to take a small rock and hand it through an opening to their handler – after which they receive a reward. But the reward is on two levels – a slice of cucumber, an adequate tidbit, and a grape, a much better and more nourishing treat. When both monkeys receive the cucumber, all is good. But when one is given a grape and the other gets only a cucumber, the second rebels – stomping his hand and hurling the cucumber back at the handler. He’d rather have no reward than an inequitable one.

Other basic tests show that when one monkey is given a large number of nuts or grapes and another gets none, the rewards are shared instead of hoarded by one. These results (and others showing shared work) have been replicated hundreds of times in tests given throughout the world with a variety of animals – elephants, dogs, dolphins, and many more – providing evidence that an innate (or genetic) fairness and willingness to cooperate is widespread in the animal kingdom. On an evolutionary level, this ingrained attribute of fairness – of sharing both rewards and workloads – is how species and communities thrive. Indeed, Jane Goodall – the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees – views primates as nothing less than our moral ancestors.

Because humans are evolved from chimps, capuchins, and other primates, our DNA is 98.5% identical to theirs. And like them, our sense of morality and fairness is genetically embedded – we possess it from birth and then reinforce the concept of sharing at home, in daycare centers, and in early school grades. Ask almost anyone and they’ll tell you they believe in fairness and teach it to their children. Indeed, fairness in all things is a universal human ideal.

So how do Republicans, in actions instead of words, stack up against monkeys on the most basic moral standards?

At a time when America faces its biggest and most threatening economic crisis in 80 years – one that could negatively affect our country for decades – Republicans are thwarting all efforts by the President and Democrats to jump-start any sort of middle-class recovery. It’s not just a Do-Nothing congress, it’s the Stop-Anything-That-Might-Help-Democrats-Even-If-It-Helps-Our-Country platform that pollutes every word and deed of the GOP. When they’re not obstructing positive action through a record number of filibusters, they’re filing lawsuits against any reform (like Obamacare) initiated by the Democrats. They refuse to confirm a huge number of judges (who would ease the mind-numbing backlog in our courts) and high-level cabinet nominees, like Elizabeth Warren and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, to block any needed regulation or oversight. They cut taxes on the rich and want to plunk the full financial burden on the poor and what just a few years ago was the middle-class. They are not willing to make even the smallest token sacrifice for their country – not even one added penny in taxes for any billionaire. And if anyone questions their agenda or motives, they scream “Class Warfare!” or “Socialism!” – two Big Lies that are growing very thin.

For the last 30 years – no matter what they have said – Republicans have consistently acted to cut education, welfare, and seem hell-bent on reducing Disaster Relief and “reforming” (i.e. getting rid of) Social Security. They want to reduce the number of police, fireman, and teachers, thus risking our health and safety while at the same time limiting our children’s opportunity. They attack and try to defund any social program (like Planned Parenthood) that actually helps people. They have calculatedly and deliberately hijacked any attempt to properly fund government just to prove that it doesn’t work so they can choke it to death and hand all responsibility over to the corporations that they clearly favor over real-life people

Does this sound like a party that seeks and works in harmony toward the healthy growth and common welfare of the community-at-large? Or does it come off as a dysfunctional, dissonant, and destructive faction that places its party and money before its country and people?

Morality – the essence and practice of cooperation, empathy, fairness, and reciprocity – was long thought to be a solely human attribute. And since it contains a democratic as well as an ethical aspect, it is one of the cornerstones on which America was founded. But these days, even the most basic moral standards are sadly more evident in animals than in the Republican Party and its minions. To the frightening extent that if Mitt Romney and the GOP slate sweep the November elections, the rest of us will be better off living on the planet of the apes.

Related Posts:
Occupy Reality
Giving. . . And Taking Back
A Tale Of Two Grovers
A Last Pitch For Truth
America: Forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown.

Jun 2012 11

by Nahp Suicide

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Lunar Suicide in Pearl Kissed]

This week Lunar Suicide tell us what’s so purrfect about SG’s Kitties Group.

Members: 3566 / Comments: 49,319

WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I love my cat, I love your cat, I love cats!!!! This group is a great place to talk to like minded kitty lovers and show off your feline kids. Not only are there cute pictures to swoon over daily, it’s really a great place for support from people who feel the same about their animals as you. When my kitty died I posted about it and everyone was really comforting.

DISCUSSION TIP: As long as you are all cat loving not much can go wrong. Don’t be asking for any diagnosis on your kitties health problems though – go to the vet for that.

BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “Why are you suddenly being so nice? Am I dying? Are you dying? Is one of us dying? …oh God, you finally planted the bomb that’s going to kill us both didn’t you?” from “Things you never thought you’d say but ended up saying to your cats.” That thread really makes me giggle.

MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: The group is pretty warm and fuzzy, unless there is mention of cruelty or mistreatment of cats in any way, and then understandably things get heated. I think the last one was “Declawing, just no.


WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Anyone with a fondness for felines.


Apr 2012 02

by Blogbot

Featuring Vega (the Chihuahua) and Sydney (the Doberman Pinscher) – Pictured with their mistresses ViquiV (L) and Jessytai (R).

Sydney and her mom (social media maven Jessytai) are the newest members of the SuicideGirls HQ team. Sydney really loves her fellow four-legged co-worker Vega, and since they’re so damn cute together, we thought we ought to introduce them to you…

  • NAME: Sydney
  • INTO: Snuggling, sleeping, treats, warm beds and sunbathing.
  • NOT INTO: Loud noises, the rain, and being alone.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: When my mommy gives me the plate to “clean off” when she’s done eating.
  • MAKES ME SAD: When my mommy leaves.
  • HOBBIES: Sleeping.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My mommy, treats, my best friend Yogi, my stairs that go up to my mommy’s bed – oh and did I already say treats?
  • VICES: Barking at the mail man (I’m such a cliché, I know!).
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Sleeping or begging for food.


  • NAME: Vega
  • INTO: Laps, sunshine, and stuffed animals.
  • NOT INTO: The rain, thunder, intruders, and pooping in the dark.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Getting attention.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Being left alone.
  • HOBBIES: Chasing my tail, day dreaming, and being cute.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My stuffed monkey, my stuffed tiger, my rope, chicken treats, and a good comfy lap.
  • VICES: Barking at Postal workers, delivery men/women or pretty much anyone coming to the door.

More Beyond Cute Posts:
Nahp Suicide, Ultima Suicide, Oogie Suicide, Rin Suicide, Tita Suicide, Kraven Suicide, Kemper Suicide, Leandra Suicide, Selahh Suicide, Lunar Suicide, Pia Suicide, Creepy Suicide, Shaddix Suicide, Ryker Suicide, Corgan Suicide, Selene Suicide, Eden Suicide, Venom Suicide, Corgan Suicide, Kewpie Suicide, Jamity Suicide, Epiic Suicide, Patton Suicide, MnemoZyne Suicide, Frolic Suicide, Shotgun Suicide, Phecda Suicide, Lavezzaro Suicide, Rourke Suicide, Antigone Suicide, King Suicide, Clio Suicide, Exning Suicide, Aadie Suicide, Pilot Suicide, Persephone Suicide, Luana Suicide, Fraise Suicide, Cheri Suicide, Jensen Suicide, Radeo Suicide, Lorelei Suicide, Scotty Suicide, Milloux Suicide, Psyche Suicide, Scotty Suicide, GoGo Suicide, Rambo Suicide, Sash Suicide

Mar 2012 08

by Blogbot

Featuring Tuaina (the black puppy), Megatron (the German Shepherd), Piraña (the white kitty), Tomasa (the gray kitty), and Banano (the black kitty) – Pictured with their mistress (Nahp Suicide).

Tutaina: All Kinds of food.
Megatrón: Bitting Kong and other stuff.
Piraña: Sleeping in shoes boxes.
Tomasa: Running away from home.
Banano: Looking for love when his mom is watching TV.

Tutaina: I don’t like it when the door bell rings.
Megatron: Strange people.
Piraña: Being held.
Tomasa: Medicine.
Banano: Strange people invading my home.

All: Love and food.

Puppies: Being alone.
Kitties: The vacuum cleaner.

Puppies: Going out with our mom and her boyfriend.
Kitties: Sleeping and playing at 3:00 AM.

Food, water, love, fun, our litter box (kitties) / car rides (puppies).

Tutaina: I love to lick hands.
Megatron: I can’t play without biting a little bit.
Piraña: I drop to the floor to receive caresses.
Tomasa: I love get into the house next door.
Banano: I hide under the sheet and believe no one can see me (even though mom always knows where to find me).

Sleeping, playing, being cute, and making mom and dad smile.

Photography: Anemona

More Beyond Cute Posts:
Ultima Suicide, Oogie Suicide, Rin Suicide, Tita Suicide, Kraven Suicide, Kemper Suicide, Leandra Suicide, Selahh Suicide, Lunar Suicide, Pia Suicide, Creepy Suicide, Shaddix Suicide, Ryker Suicide, Corgan Suicide, Selene Suicide, Eden Suicide, Venom Suicide, Corgan Suicide, Kewpie Suicide, Jamity Suicide, Epiic Suicide, Patton Suicide, MnemoZyne Suicide, Frolic Suicide, Shotgun Suicide, Phecda Suicide, Lavezzaro Suicide, Rourke Suicide, Antigone Suicide, King Suicide, Clio Suicide, Exning Suicide, Aadie Suicide, Pilot Suicide, Persephone Suicide, Luana Suicide, Fraise Suicide, Cheri Suicide, Jensen Suicide, Radeo Suicide, Lorelei Suicide, Scotty Suicide, Milloux Suicide, Psyche Suicide, Scotty Suicide, GoGo Suicide, Rambo Suicide, Sash Suicide