Sep 2011 13
by Blogbot
Feat Rocky, Cookie, Belle and Zakk (pictured with their mistress Leandra Suicide).
- INTO: Hugs, cuddles, love, sleeping, people/cat watching, just sitting here.
- NOT INTO: Loud noises, strangers and being alone.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Snuggling and food.
- MAKES ME SAD: Being alone.
- HOBBIES: Nothing.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Cuddles, Mummy, my siblings, food and TV.
- VICES: Licking hair and chewing magazines.
- INTO: MOTHER! Playing, messing with the other kids, catnip, cuddles, nose licking, and bed time.
- NOT INTO: Not much, I don’t like strange people.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Mother, catnip, laying on my Mother, being petted, and showing off.
- MAKES ME SAD: When my mother leaves the house.
- HOBBIES: People watching and staring.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Mother, catnip, nose licking attacks, watching movies with my mum, and drinking water from the sink.
- VICES: Sink drinking.
- I SPEND MOST OF OUR FREE TIME: Crawling all over my mother. I am extremely attached if you had not noticed!
- INTO: I don’t know. ZAKK and my toys?
- NOT INTO: I don’t know.
- MAKES ME HAPPPY: Who knows?
- MAKES ME SAD: What’s going on?
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Rocky, Cookie, Zakk, Mummy and BELLE!!!
- VICES: Say what?
- I SPEND MOST OF OUR FREE TIME: Acting insane and mildly scary.
- INTO: I am just getting into cuddling at night, laying on my mum’s feet and stealing her blanket. BELLE!!
- NOT INTO: Loud noises and being picked up.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Belle, running around aimlessly, and love.
- MAKES ME SAD: Not much.
- HOBBIES: Cuddling, snuggling, sleeping, and eating.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Love, my brother and sisters, my mum, food, the sofa, and blankets.
- VICES: Blanket stealing, and sink drinking.
- I SPEND MOST OF OUR FREE TIME: Sleeping! What? I’m a cat, it’s what we do!
Get to know Rocky, Cookie, Belle and Zakk’s mistress, Leandra Suicide, over at SuicideGirls.com!